This advent calendar cc sims 4 includes 31 items: Details: Day 1 – Magazine with toys but many other choices too like clothes, jewellery or geek computer or car – but also a handwritten santa letter, with alternative neutral swatch.Day 2: A christmas mailbox: to reach santa !Day 3 –...
Generations, bring in a new “Lifestate/Creature” known as the Imaginary Friend. Imaginary friends are dolls that are given to your Sim’s infant after birth by a suspicious distant relative. Not every child will get one of these cuddly creatures, so don’t be disappointed if one of your...
In the last year I have done more simming in the previous 4 weeks than the whole year. And it’s all thanks to a FB group for the sims 2 that is rather amazing. So if you haven’t joined yet then go ahead and do it. Best FB group ever as it’s all positivity, kindness and ...
This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and major updates to custom content. If you use mods, this thread's lists and ongoing reports can he...
Santé du Nourrisson/Advanced Infant Care – Grumpy Saturday Jobs Pack – Midnitetech Scumbumbo's Call Anytime + Relationship Mod Updated Plus Romance – ClaudiaSharon – NOTE: This is different from the version on the Scumbumbo memorial website Secret Occults – JaneSimsten Shoe ...
Once your infant has turned into a toddler, you can go ahead and choose for your toddler to spend lots of time with the doll, so they start building a relationship. You can change the gender of the doll by selecting it and choosing to “Give new name > Give Boy/Girl’s name”. Thi...