Sims: modifyrelationship [SimFirstName] [SimLastName] [TargetFirstName] [TargetLastName] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main With the latter cheat code, you can substitute "Friendship" for "Romance" to change romantic relationship values. You can also add negative values, e.g. -100, to decrease a relat...
Every Sims 4 cheat code that modifies relationships between two sims follows this basic format:modifyrelationship sim1FirstName sim1LastName sim2FirstName sim2LastName 100 RelationshipType. That is, you need to type the first and last name of one sim, the first and last name of a second si...
To change romance, use the ” modifyrelationship [your Sim’s full name] [target Sim’s full name] [50 or -50] Romance_Main” code To set a relationship, use the ” relationship.add_bit [your Sim’s ID number] [target Sim’s ID number] [relationshipBit name]” code. Since you ca...
modifyrelationship [SimFirstName] [SimLastName] [TargetFirstName] [TargetLastName] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main Substitute "Friendship" for "Romance" to change romantic relationship values. Positive values will increase a relationship, while using a negative value (ex: -100) will decrease it. Sims ...
Typemodifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] X LTR_Romance_Main] PressEnter. Replace theXvalue in the cheat with the level or romance you want your Sims to have. For example, to have a level 100 romance between Nancy Landgraab and Bo...
modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe 100 LTR_Romance_Main If you entered that exact code into the cheat console, it would provide a large boost to the romantic relationship between the sims John Doe and Jane Doe. If you used a negative number, it would have a large negative effect on thei...
You can modify Sims' relationships by using the somewhat long modifyrelationship yoursimfirst yoursimlast targetsimfirst targetsimlast x relationshiptype. Relationshiptype is either LTR_Friendship_main or LTR_Romance_Main. With Cats and Dogs, you use LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main, which won't work...
modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe -50 Romance_Main See if changing the level of their friendship or romance triggers the status updating from "lovers" to something else, such as sweethearts, lovebirds, just friends, etc. You can then cheat it back up afterwards to see if it turns into...
How to Modify Relationships Between Sims in Sims 4 Relationships often aren’t easy to maintain – even in a game. If you want to quickly improve or destroy the relationship between your Sims, follow the instructions below: In the game, open the cheat input box. ...
modifyrelationship ‘entire Sim name 1’ ‘entire Sim name 2’ -100 ltr_friendship_main– 100% negative friendship between two specific Sims (you’ll need to enter a Sim’s first and last name in their respective spots in the code) ...