Money: it's way to easy to obtain massive amounts of money in the sims. advancing in careers is way to easy and skills like painting, flower arranging, etc can give you tons of money specifically at level 10. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so easy to level up skills either...
"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-gameplay-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:8547419"},"subject":"Re: How to make my sims vomit","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:8547430"},...
In this basic background, the game introduces a custom game engine and supports players to create and add CC(Custom Content) and Mods in Sims 4.CC and Modscan maximize your choices, bring new clothes, hairstyles, behavior styles, and so on to your Sims, and make the world you build more...
There are plenty of ways to make money in Sims 4, but for those wanting to avoid cheats, it will require a little more work to make Simoleons.
The Sims Wiki is a The Sims database that anyone can contribute to. Content includes The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3, The Sims 4, and more.
Sims take around 3 in-game days to give birth, but you can speed that up with these 4 cheats: Make Sim pregnant in the first trimester: sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester1 Make Sim pregnant in second trimester: sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester2 Make Sim pregnant in third trimest...
How to Make Money In A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Legacy Challenge Succession Laws Ranked By Difficulty The Best & Worst Expansion Packs For The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Getting Started The best thing to do when starting your Legacy Challenge is to begin a new game. Do this by selecting the +...
Sims who survive a Pufferfish Nigiri meal will receive the 4-hour “Thrill of Defying Death” confident moodlet, but that doesn’t make them immune to death. Are you willing to play Pufferfish Roulette? If you own The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack, you’ll be happy to know that the ...
The Sims 4 Parenthood adds 3 brand new Lunch Sack specific food recipes. These recipes are made through the new “Make Sack Lunch” interaction on the fridge. Advertisement Place Settings The Sims 4 Parenthood introduces the ability for Sims to set the table using a variety of pre-made Place...
There's a lot of fan-created Sims content out there. How do you find it? How do you add it into the game? Here's what you need to know.