In a life simulator where you can choose your own career, marry a spouse, have kids, and build your dream house, what could be more furrtastic than being able to adopt your own pets? In The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs you get to choose your new furry companion whenever you want. Related...
Click to Enlarge. A dalmatian having fun with his owner in the park. You can't control your pets, but you can teach them. Pets can be trained and your Sims will build up relationships with them in the process. Is the cat shredding furniture? Scold it and teach it not to do that, ...
How to use Sims 4 Studio? This particular tool comes with a sleek built-in type model viewer that eliminates any need for the user to launch Sims 4 game. This game tool comes with 4 additional features that include an easy integration along with Blender for the mesh modification. It also ...
The Sims 4 City Living includes the brand new “Snow Globe” and “City Posters” collections, and has added new items to the already available Fish Collection. Below is a list of all collectibles, where they are found, and how to find them. Fish Collectibles The Sims 4 City Living inclu...
*Requires The Sims 4 and all game updates. Featured add-ons Expand your horizons* Allow your Sims to live life to the very fullest with a whole range of expansions that add masses of brand-new options, including pets, education opportunities, and careers. *The Sims 4 add-ons require The...
The Sims 4 completely ignores a common situation in life – having a roommate. With LMS’s roommates mod, you can have a roommate that pays rent, and is completely outside your control. This is something that players frequently want, because it adds some spice to the game. Using LMS’s...
•Time of Day: This control changes the time of day so you can see what your lot will look like in different lighting conditions. If you entered build mode while it was evening for your sim, you can change it to morning so you can see what you are doing. You can also change it ...
Kill or resurrect your pets traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID] will turn your pet into a ghost if you are either an absolute monster or (spoiler alert) attempting an elaborate Sim version of John Wick. To get your pet's ID (you monster), use sims.get_sim_id_by_name [PetFirs...
Sims 4, pets bugged The pet just starts floating away... like he literally floated off te map. Cant interract with the pet and have to go to worlds and back to household to reset pet cos I am doing a cheatless run. Like, the pet freezes and floats away....
The Sims 4 completely ignores a common situation in life – having a roommate. With LMS’s roommates mod, you can have a roommate that pays rent, and is completely outside your control. This is something that players frequently want, because it adds some spice to the game. Using LMS’s...