Disabled the EA App in-game overlay. Set the processor priority to high for Sims 4. Tried running the game with DirectX 11. Attempted to play entirely offline. Deleted and replaced the python37_x64.dll file through repair. Despite these efforts, the game continues to crash. Below is the ...
To keep up with reports on outdated and updated gameplay mods, CAS and Build/Buy custom content mods, new bugfix mods, and related Sims 4 tools — not just catch up when your game won't behave or you're returning to Sims 4 after a long break — you can subscribe...
of custom freckles out there. There are two types of custom content in The Sims 4 game: alpha CC and maxis. I like how the smattering reaches all the way to the forehead its cute! This is great because it adds so much detail to your sims body and makes them look more unique than a...
Does not affect gameplay. fullscreen on/true/off/false Toggles between full-screen and windowed mode. fps on/true/off/false Turns the frame rate display in the upperright corner on or off. fadeObjects on/true/off/false Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does...
The weirdest part is that when I go into CAS it says the skin overlays are on the sims and I can see that they're on but as soon as I exit CAS and go back into regular gameplay the skin overlays aren't shown on the sims and its just the default skin displayed. I've tried ...
I made 2 videos where you can see it (ingame overlay with hardware data). First happend in normal gameplay and the second is the photo problem. In my experience the problem gets more bad the longer you play, my videos are after 10min of playing and so the clock gets normal after...
SelecteerSpookoverlay aan-/uitzettenom te schakelen tussen hoe je Sim eruitziet als levende Sim of als spookSim. Als je hetDe Sims 4 Leven en Dood Expansion Packhebt, selecteer dan de categorieVolledig spooklichaamom outfits te zien die alleen voor spoken beschikbaar zijn. ...
Selecteer Spookoverlay aan-/uitzetten om te schakelen tussen hoe je Sim eruitziet als levende Sim of als spookSim. Als je het De Sims 4 Leven en Dood Expansion Pack hebt, selecteer dan de categorie Volledig spooklichaam om outfits te zien die alleen voor spoken beschikbaar zijn. Voor meer...
#4 March 2021 Options nosome ★★★ Novice I have the same problem. Never had any mods installed or anything but the accurate skin tone won’t show in gameplay. I’ve tried to adjust the graphic settings but with no success. It’s the same on the icon down in the left corner...
Disabled the EA App in-game overlay. Set the processor priority to high for Sims 4. Tried running the game with DirectX 11. Attempted to play entirely offline. Deleted and replaced the python37_x64.dll file through repair. Despite these efforts, the game continues to crash. Below is the ...