This error code usually appears after a game update, and is caused by outdated Mods. How to find Mods causing issues in The Sims 4 Once you’ve identified that one or more of your Mods are creating issues, you need to figure out which Mods are the problem. If you have a lot of ...
paste a save I tried to recover, blank slate. I remove my mods, same thing. Any time I relaunch the game, a sims delivery error code pops up as well (see attached screenshot). I come on the EA answers HQ to see if anyone had a similar problem, and try to follow the...
When I tried to join my Sim to go to the Scientist Career, it show "Cannot load the game. Error code 801: Please restart the game". I tired to restart, uninstall and reinstall, delete the file: documents\electronicarts\The Sims 4\options(.ini) and run the game to creat a new one...
This error code usually appears after a game update, and is caused by outdated Mods. How to find Mods causing issues in The Sims 4 Once you’ve identified that one or more of your Mods are creating issues, you need to figure out which Mods are the problem. If you have a lot of ...
+《模拟人生4:浪漫花园》 +《模拟人生4:外出用餐》 +《模拟人生4:童乐房间》 +《模拟人生4:城市生活》 +《模拟人生4:吸血鬼》 +《模拟人生4:复古经典》 +《模拟人生4:休闲后院》 +《模拟人生4:保龄球之夜》 +《模拟人生4:生儿育女》 +《模拟人生4:健身乐活》 ...
Save game errors may be caused by having a save file that is too big or there's insufficient RAM for the game to save, thus leading to Error Code 12. SeeGame guide:Reducing the size of a saved gamefor additional assistance. World Adventures ...
Drag the ts4script file inside directly to Mods folder. DOWNLOAD EA Personalized Experience My innovative mod that provides the most unique TS4 experience tailored for each player. (April Fools) Download the package directly to your Mods folder. DOWNLOAD Error Code Zero Save Fix Temporary fix ...
ERROR: object '/mnt/steam/home_michael/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. 3162.004:0028:002c:trace:loaddll:load_native_dll Loaded L"C:\\windows\\system32\\kernelbase.dll" at 0x7b000000: PE builtin ...
《模拟人生4:都会生活》 《模拟人生4:同欢共乐》 《模拟人生4:来去上班》 扩充包 《模拟人生4:月影狼踪》 《模拟人生4:婚旅奇缘》 《模拟人生4:梦想家装》 《模拟人生4:星球大战 巴图之旅》 《模拟人生4:魔法世界》 《模拟人生4:诡奇小镇》 《模拟人生4:丛林探险》 ...
starts the game in a separate unrelated process and the code that should be injected by MO2 isn't. The solution above is to revert back to Origin that does not spawn an unrelated process and thus keeps proper injection (you're still going through Origin to launch the game, but it works...