The destruction in the region has cut gas lines and made the electricity grid very unstable. As a result, gas and electrical appliances can’t be relied on to cook and preserve food. The citizens of the area are forced to resort to more primitive cooking methods and living off the land t...
how do you use water and power on a off-the grid lot? 7th June 2020 11:44am 2 New Vichraesays... I like the idea of this expansion but not the way it was implemented. In gameplay it's a lot of micromanagement and very little fun. 8th June 2020 9:37pm 10 New SH666says....
The Sims 4: Get To Work - Guide To The Detective Career The Sims 4: Wants And Fears, Explained Every Sims 4 Expansion Pack, Ranked The Sims 4 Get To Work: Guide To Running A Profitable Retail Store The Sims 4: How To Live Off-The-Grid The Sims 4 - High School Years: How To Be...