File Name Supported Versions 1.112.481 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects 19.01.2025 - Added some tests to the "Welcome to Foster Family" Interactions, so it only shows up on Kids/Pets, which are in a single Household & NPCs to prevent Users from accident...
Interactions (Shift Click Cheat Menu) on registered Foster Parent Sims, where you can trigger the Foster Family Network Notifications to get Foster Kids/Pets. Interactions (Shift Click Cheat Menu) on all Kids/Pets ingamewhere you can add already existing Kids/Pets in the World to become your ...
ellesimsworld – Holiday Drama Mod – Dec 4, Patr FakePikachu – AI Upscaled Foods – Dec 4, Nexus FinJingSims – FinJing Retail Store CAS Interactions – Dec 20, CF FrequentlyBasic – CF Black Sheep Trait – Dec 27 React To Bladder Failure (both versions) – Dec 3 ...
"id":"category:the-sims-4-en","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"the-sims-4-en","nodeType":"category","depth":3,"title":"The Sims 4","shortTitle":"The Sims 4","parent":{"__ref":"Category:category:the-sims-en"},"categoryPolicies"...
For example, if your sim is happy he/she can be more sociable and perform more efficiently at work. Unfortunately, the emotions never amount to anything significant. But they can really help in the form of interactions in your daily life.TheSims4Mods, however, are much improved. ...
Sims 4 Realistic Childbirth Mod Therealistic childbirth modcreates new interactions and options regarding conception, pregnancy, and giving birth. Women have the option totake birth controluntil they want to have a baby, reducing the likelihood of an accidental pregnancy. ...
How do you use the royalty or the royal family mod in Sims 4? These are the features and interactions of the royal mod, Monarchs of the royal cc: To start a royal family in the royalty challenge, start by creating a monarch.
Sims Pregnancy Test doesn’t always result in negative moodlets unless Sim has the ‘Family Oriented’ trait Sims leave a puddle when their water breaks WooHoo Enhancements Ability to enable pregnancy for all WooHoo interactions (merge Try for Baby interactions with WooHoo interactions) ...
This Sims 4 mod is all about adding more complexity to character romance and interactions, letting you tweak the traits they find attractive in others, dating preferences, and even attitude towards birth control. Wonderful Whims adds a whole extra layer to the Sims 4 dating experience, giving it...
This simple mod, named exactly after what it does like many of LMS’s mods, will stop Sims from grabbing a plate immediately after cooking something. Why might you want this? In order to stop the constant need to battle your Sim to put a plate down just to have a family meal where ...