Does anyone know the release dates of all the different expansion packs and game packs and stuff packs in the Sims 3? 10 years ago 6 New Somebodysays... thanks! 9 years ago 5 New anonymuspastelsays... thank you so much! this would be a great idea to make a youtube channel abou...
The Sims 4 Expansion PacksList of Features for DLC: Expansion, Game & Stuff PacksThe Sims 4 offers a solid base game with plenty to do, but we all know the best gameplay is ahead when the number of Expansion and other DLC increase the amount of features, and seeing those come together...
There are around 50 different Sims 4 packs out there. We give our verdict on which expansions are most worth your time.
The Sims Wiki is a The Sims database that anyone can contribute to. Content includes The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3, The Sims 4, and more.
The 2 expansion packs missing are seasons and cats&dogs... Please help!! Hey@Lilyc_xo, Sorry to hear you've been having some trouble getting all your packs to show back up here. Just taking a look at the account you're posting with however, I'm not showing any of the packs you ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"Expansion Packs Won't Refresh - Cant Play","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11922021"},"id":"message:11922021","revisionNum":1,"uid":11922021,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en"...
The roadmap confirms the rumours to be true: Businesses and Hobbies is the next Expansion Pack for The Sims 4, with March 6th as a release date. A little over a week before that, there will be a surprise on February 25th – it’s possible that is when a new game update will be r...
Sims 4's New Sexuality Customisation Is Step In The Right Direction, But More Could Be Done Sims 4 Kits Are Broken, And So Is My Faith In The Game Lists Of 'The Best' Sims 4 Expansion Packs Are Pointless The Sims 4 Cultural Updates Are Essential, But Life Is So Diverse They'll ...
When will this Stuff Pack be releasing? This Stuff Pack will be available for purchase in the next year, when development has been completed. Scroll To Top Where can I provide feedback throughout development? We will be holding voting on particular moments throughout development. Dates have bee...
In The Sims 4 Lovestruck Expansion Pack, players can create their Sim’s dating profile on the Cupid’s Corner app – and match with other Sims! Players will determine how to navigate the dating scene, find out what other Sim's Turn-ons and Turn-offs are and then cater to them, learn...