The sims 4 not able to launch on new computer w/ error message #71 December 2023 Options bransonrjs ★ Novice 41 pt Hello, I've just reinstalled The Sims 4. This is the first time I have installed The Sims 4 on this computer, and I have never actually been able to...
I tried both. The only thing that changes is the heading of the error message. When I don't have Origin running when I start to launch the game, the header of the error window shows this: When I do have Origin running, the header of the error window has quite a...
Is there any error message when you try to open the game? If so, provide us with a screenshot of the error message. What troubleshooting steps have you tried to solve this problem? Since the game does not open, how were you able to test the game in windowed mode? Best regards J...
If an administrator created a new/var/mailaccount on SIMS using the Admin Console, and she forgot to create a UNIX account, the user will not be able to read the INBOX. The following error message will appear: Unknown uid: <username> ...
4. Click the OK.FIGURE 5-6 New Channel Property Book 5. Fill in the various sections and press OKOnly two sections are mandatory at this time: Router and Message Limitation. Enter the Host to route to field and change the Max. no. of recipients per msg field from 0 to whatever ...
Some players on EA App received an error message indicating that certain needed files were corrupt The game would sometimes crash after creating a family The game sometimes launched at a small resolution (800×600) and then scaled that small format to fill the entire monitor ...
Some players on EA App received an error message indicating that certain needed files were corrupt The game would sometimes crash after creating a family The game sometimes launched at a small resolution (800×600) and then scaled that small format to fill the entire monitor ...
Featured Places The Sims 4 Share your Sims 4 creations, discuss stories, get help with expansions & updates, or help others in our friendly forum. Important Links Where to post Recent Content Recent Content Newest TopicsMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesNo Replies YetNo Solutions YetSolutions ...
I'm now working on my site forThe Sims 4andrecently Launched a Youtube Channel for The Sims. I've done some recent speed improvements to this site. It's some of my best work and I don't want ads or a bad server to slow that down. ...
Expect to see the following error message when this problem occurs: “Service initialization failed (0x039e8474)” The error is principally caused because of Windows not being able to properly read or load a certain file or setting of the Sims 3 game. This error can also come about...