Regardless, please make a backup copy of your saves and mods, or the entire Sims 4 user folder, before changing any OneDrive settings. The process should be safe, but occasionally it gets stuck uploading and manages to lose some files as you're stopping the syncing or unlin...
If you want to get more granular, you can choose to not sync the contents of the Electronic Arts folder, the Sims 4 folder, or any folder inside. First, make a backup of this folder; as above, you can store it on an external device, or in Downloads. ...
Go to Electronic Arts, then The Sims 4 folder. Find and copy the entire saves folder onto a flash drive. Plug the same flash drive into your Mac. On your Mac, open Finder, go to Documents, Electronic Arts, then The Sims 4. Copy and paste the saves folder from the flash drive to ...
Find and copy the entire saves folder onto a flash drive. Plug the same flash drive into your Mac. On your Mac, openFinder, go toDocuments, Electronic Arts, thenThe Sims 4. Copy and paste the saves folder from the flash drive to The Sims 4 folder on your Mac. ...
and transfer them to a folder on your desktop. Right-click this folder and select Compress, which will create a .zip file. (Or you can zip the entire saves folder if it's not too large.) Upload this file to a filehosting service, for example you could go to and sign ...
The pinned topicHow to Use Mods and CCincludes advice about game updates, mod management, finding broken mods, and how toavoid downloading broken content. See the topic onMalicious Script Modsfor further information on one kind of issue to watch for. And remember…Back up you...
If this works, you can start moving your content from the old Sims 4 folder to the new one, testing each time to make sure the game still loads. In each case, please move the files only, not the folder they're in, for example move the individual Tray files, not the entire Tray fo...
Sims 4 wont download My game wouldn't update on the 18th. So, I deleted EA, and everything attached to it and the Sims 4. Wiped my entire PC and reinstalled EA. I've been trying to get help for days and The Sims 4 still won't download. It keeps saying downloading with no ...
@Smileyworld1507 If you haven't already, please try playing in a clean user folder with zero added content, not even your saves. Move the entire Sims 4 folder out of Documents > Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, and when you launch the game, if it launches, a clean folder will ...
That said, it is a good idea to back up your entire user folder just in case something does go wrong along the way. Hope this helps. Like 4 Reply smilelikemiles to CGrant563 years ago Thank you! I always back up anyway and usually for stuff like this I backup multiple places. ...