7、人际关系 成为好友 modifyrelationship [现有角色名字] [现有角色姓] [目标角色名字] [目标角色姓] 90 Friendship_Main 成为情侣 modifyrelationship [现有角色名字] [现有角色姓] [目标角色名字] [目标角色姓] 90 Romance_Main 90为可以控制的数字,可以是负数 8、一些特殊用途 death.toggle false 角色不会死亡...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"SOLVED: Modifyrelationship Cheat Not Working In Sims 4","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:8579621"},"id":"message:8579621","revisionNum":1,"uid":8579621,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-gameplay-en"},...
Now they do not...they're spread out throughout the list of sims in the panel. Even when you'd use a cheat and modify the relationship score, for example, to 100..the sim would pop to the top of the list. Now it doesn't. It may move a row up or so, but that's all.It'...
Just wondering if it is possible to change the face and body for your sims once it has been saved I really hate the look of my sims face and body but can’t find a cheat to edit it please help xx ImaginingMystic September 17, 2014 Reply Hmm I would say that you could change the...
大神求助如题,我根据步骤一步一步来的 先开大秘籍 然后输入Modifyrelationship 允熙 林 威尼斯 诺克 100 Friendship_Main 分享1赞 模拟人生吧 贴吧用户_aaNtG4W 【M4求助】在开了大秘籍前提下输入bb.showhiddenobjects和其他的秘籍都不管用按回车键之后没有任何反应是怎么回事 分享51 模拟人生吧 我果然还是太天真 ...
The Relation Decay mod, by mgomez: Sims tend to forget their friends too easily. This mod comes in two flavors: one where the relationship level never changes, and one where you set the % of decay. Sims tend to lose too fast their relationships with friends. ...
When a Sim's spouse dies (of any cause except for old age), it will still show the Sim as being in a relationship with their deceased partner. Therefore, if the ghost finds their living spouse (who will be shown as a fiancée instead) performing any strong romantic action with their ne...
Owners of The Sims 3 on Console, either PS3 or XBOX don't need my cheat articles to get infinite money, or unlock karma powers. Instead head to myXbox 360 and PS3 infopage. Sim Learn all about Sims and their characteristics in The Sims 3. This will teach you about the motives Sims...
Owners of The Sims 3 on Console, either PS3 or XBOX don't need my cheat articles to get infinite money, or unlock karma powers. Instead head to myXbox 360 and PS3 infopage. Sim Learn all about Sims and their characteristics in The Sims 3. This will teach you about the motives Sims...
May want to edit a rule for clarification. Under “Nature” it reads “Have Sims within the household reach the top level of each career track = 1 point” which makes it sound like you get 1 point for each one. Unless I am misunderstanding something here, you get one single point for...