一、秘籍需求全满 1、开启秘籍框 --- Shift Ctrl C 2、启用隐藏的开发秘籍 --- testingcheats true / false 3、随意摆放物品 --- bb.moveob-jects on 4、解锁隐藏物品 --- bb.showHiddenOb-jects 5、解锁奖励物品 --- bb.ignoreGameplayUnlocksEntitlement 6、解锁世界物品 --- bb.showliveeditob-je...
testingcheats true(输入任何秘籍都要先输入主秘籍) 自由放置物品: (点击物品后按住alt键后移动鼠标到理想位置再次点击物品 松开alt键) 允许使用职业/技巧需要解锁物品: bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement 允许使用调试物品: bb.showhiddenobjects bb.showliveeditobjects ...
第一视角 Shift + Tab 使用 Ctrl + Shift + Tab 可在TS3镜头和TS4镜头之间快速切换 【镜头控制】 镜头跟随:右击该人物头像 Toggle Top Down View: T 【秘籍开启/关闭方法】 按 Shift + Ctrl + C 打开控制台,输入 TestingCheats True 开启秘籍,输入 TestingCheats False 关闭秘籍。开启秘籍之后,按住 Shift ...
Discover all of The Sims 4 cheats in one place. Sims Globe is here to share with you all of the known The Sims 4 Cheats today! Come look!
Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Console Command Settings > Enable Full Edit CAS = Enabled Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Console Command Settings > Testing Cheats = Enabled Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Notification Settings > Aging/Death Notifications > Show Age-Up Notifications = Play...
Nevermind I found something at http://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/wiki/ts4faq “Sim’s last name not changing after marriage Solution: While there does not yet seem to be a fix to stop this issue entirely, you can use cheats to edit your Sim’s last name. Press Ctrl+Shift+C, enter ...
I used to be able to use the cheat code testingcheats true and then edit my sim in CAS, but now I can edit them, but only thier clothing etc... I cant change their body type or facial fetures. It also keeps saying I cant edit a pre-existing sim but I made them in CAS. Can...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5PW9uRR684 BRINDLETON BAY TOWNHOUSES | The Sims 4: Speed build (NO CC) ✨ Cheats: bb.moveobjects on bb.showhiddenobjects bb.showliveeditobjects bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement EA ID: KaarySims 游戏 单机游戏 模拟人生4 模拟人生 ...
Here is a a full explanation from one of our Champions herehttps://sherigr.com/sims-4-cheats/how-to-cheat/#cas 2 + XP #6 August 2020 Options PugLove888 Champion @oreosimmer01, once you have enabled testing cheats and enabled CAS full edit mode, you can either click on a...
Main_Cheats(萬能秘籍) testingcheats true cas.faulleditmode Query_the_character's_ID(用於查詢每一位模擬人物或模擬寵物的程式ID名字) sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname} All_Money_Cheats(金錢相關) Get 1,000 Simoleons kaching rosebud Get 50,000 Simoleons motherlode Change funds from...