Scumbumbo – XML Injector – If the mod doesn’t work and causes a last exception (LE) file that says “No module named 'xml_injector'”: delete XML Injector and redownloadmanuallyfrom the Scumbumbo website or Curseforgeorupdate your Curseforge app and redownload. SonozakiSisters...
I track it for support), mod adoption, and other news. My DMs are also open for creators here and on Tumblr (luthsthings). I can be reached on Discord from many Sims 4 creators' and Sims 4 support servers.
Babies will still get send to Daycare if you leave the Lot even if a Babysitter is on the Lot. I will maybe look into this in a future Update. Recommended Mods: Toddler Don't go to Daycare- Unfortunately the Game only recognizes the original ServiceNPC Nanny as a Nanny. This Mod let...
You can also earn Money for each Bar Drink/Food you sell if you use my updatedMore buyable Venues Mod(Main Mod Package needed only – Get to Work not needed if you don’t want to buy Community Lots!) Live in Daycare Opening your Live in Daycare will let between 5-8 Toddler spawn r...
18.07.2023 - Patch 1.99.264 Update14.10.2022 - Added Support for Vaccum (bust the Dust) and Cottage Living Animals to Level 3 & 4 Anti Fear Skill Click to see all XML used in this Mod broadcaster_Fear_Pet_CoffeeMaker.xml broadcaster_Fear_Pet_Computer.xml broadcaster_Fear_Pet_Dishwasher....
DayCare Generations includes the Day Care career. You sims can now run a day care from their home to earn a living. Taking care of the neighbor’s toddlers & children is just a computer click away. You can also check the newspaper. This is a job done right in the comfort of your own...
The main building features an electronics shop, pet shop, H&M clothing shop & daycare area! I also turned the weird side building into an outdoor restaurant! The one piece of CC used isthis parking lot space that spawns carsrandomly each time you enter the lot to look like sims are actua...
. Sims may not stargaze or cloud watch or use the telescope to watch the sky. You may not enable the mood auras on any mood aura objects. Tents may not be used. Mailboxes, Outdoor trash cans and rocket ships are all exempt from the “Must be covered by 4 walls and a roof” rule...
DayCare Generations includes the Day Care career. You sims can now run a day care from their home to earn a living. Taking care of the neighbor’s toddlers & children is just a computer click away. You can also check the newspaper. This is a job done right in the comfort of your own...