Hi Yes I checked that and I do not try to access the cheatcode during build and buy so its not that Reply 0 + XP #88 August 2020 Options Dag3 ★★★ Apprentice Me too quit working with update. Control shift key quit working and no longer pulls up cheat window. Reply 3 + ...
sims stuck...ctrl+shift+c...doesnt work...do you use this method whenyou are on the story where the sim is stuck? 0 + XP Me too #1 2014-07-2111:03 PM Options grammy7 ★★ Novice hit ctrl..shift..c nothing happens 0 + XP ...
sims4教程|3个增加体验的快捷操作 1.输入ctrl+shift+c 打开秘籍窗口,然后输入秘籍,回车生效,关闭窗口需再次输入ctrl+shift+c 2.免费房产秘籍:FreeRealEstate on(无需大写) 3.为家庭增加50 - 微光溪谷大魔女于20241127发布在抖音,已经收获了516个喜欢,来抖音,记录
sims4教程|无边透明泳池教程来啦! 1.按下ctrl+shift+C后,输入bb.showhiddenobjects, 解锁隐藏物品,包括这款透明地基样式 2.按下ctrl+shift+C后,输入bb.moveobjects,按住alt - 微光溪谷大魔女于20241128发布在抖音,已经收获了471个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Press Control + Shift + C then typetestingcheats onand press enter. You can now get promotions withcareers.promote adult_freelancer_artist, adult_freelancer_agency_writer, or adult_freelancer_agency_programmer- you can also see all ourCheats. If these do not work for you try careers.promote ...
To use Sims 4 cheats, press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console. Type your chosen cheat codes into the text field that opens and press enter. For certain cheats, including thost marked as "shift click," you'll first need to use the "testingCheats true" cheat. With testing ...
These Cheat Codes are all tested and working! The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats Use the Cheat Console by pressingCTRL+SHIFT+C.Input the cheat codetestingcheats true.Use the search box if you are looking for specific traits you need like; relationship traits, skills traits or maybe career ...
3rd December 2018 4:30am 1 New LorocanTheVampiratesays... The famous cheat is not working for me. Yes I do have testingcheats on/testingcheats enabled entered in, I am shift clicking the sims, and I have tried this with/without my mods and my CC in the game. I get the option ...
To enable cheats (and one will need to do this to use any of the hacks and cheats on this list), you want to press Control + Shift + C, then type "rosebud" and hit enter to give yourself an extra 1,000 simoleons. If the gamer doesn't want to have to enter this multiple times...
sims4教程|打造星空阁楼卧室! 1.按下ctrl+shift+C后,输入bb.moveobjects,按住alt可以使家具随意重叠安放,键盘上的{ }键可以放大缩小任意家具,9和0可以上升下降平移家具高度2.选中家具点右键旋转,用键盘上的<键和>键也行;游戏界面右上角勾选sims3镜头,在所选物品上按住Alt键并同时按下鼠标左键,不要放开,就...