All of the Sims inThe Sims 4have a lifecycle, and they'll eventually grow old and die. If you want to protect your Sim family, you can enter the “All Sims cannot die” by inputting: “death.toggle true” This cheat turns off the ability for Sims to die. However, be aware that t...
With this mod, you can control the love lives of your Sims a lot more. ITV/EA While each new expansion tends to come with its own cheat codes, in this part of the article we're mainly going to focus on the main cheats in The Sims 4 base game.Whether you want more money or skill...
自动支付家庭账单(会自动扣钱) FreeRealEstate [on/off] 所有的用地房屋价格为零(可在社区/世界界面输入) 4、抱负 aspirations.complete_current_milestone 完成一级抱负 先输入sims.remove_all_buffs before后再输入sims.add_buff Satisfaction_Points 增加100点奖励点数 5、技能点数升级 stats.set_skill_level Major...
After a while, the blue void of The Sims 4's character creator gets a little old. There are a lot of different CAS room background mods out there, but the Old School room by LittleDica is a really neutral, all purpose option that comes in several wall color variants. The Sims 2 CAS...
Sims 4 Island Living cheats On a lot with the "Volcanic Activity" trait, use volcanic_eruption [small/large] to make lava bombs rain from the sky onto your lot. Sims 4: Eco Lifystyle cheats One of the first things you might be compelled to do with Eco Lifestyle cheats is change your...
Sims 4 Studio (S4S)|Windows & Mac 2024年12月18日更新+历史版本下载,三宫六院 - 模拟人生|模拟人生3|模拟人生4|模拟市民|
When you selectWooHoothis way your Sims will autonomously choose a location on the lot they’re in to WooHoo.There are multiple WooHoo locations in the game, with more being added with each Pack. WooHoo to have a baby: If you want your Sims to have a baby, selectMore Choices > Romance...
You can create any Sim you can dream up. Plan their lives, pick their friends, make enemies, and watch their hilarious stories unfold ...
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