Active CareersThe Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack adds Active Careers to the game: Scientist, Detective, and Doctor. You get the choice whether or not you'll view and control your Sim at work, meaning you can send them to work autonomously like any other Career. When in control, you...
Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 1 Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 166 Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 333 辩论学会: Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 1 Stats.Set_...
Discover University comes with three newCareers. First, there's Engineering which has a Computer and Mechanical Engineering branch. Law has Judge and Private Attorney branches, while Education has Administrative and Professor branches. Each of these can be promoted withCareers.promote- so you'd use:...
the better they will be in careers like teaching, law, and engineering. Going to classes or blowing them off will affect your Sim’s grades, so time management is a must. Meet, Mingle, and Explore – How your Sim embraces college life is up to them. They can study all night to compl...
Choose either Britechester or Foxbury as your family’s Legacy college when you make your founder. This can be the only college that your Sims can attend throughout the challenge. So plan majors accordingly! Also make sure to donate money to the college that you choose. ...
How Do You Get a Degree in The Sims 4? If you want your sim to advance in anycareer, you must send him to college. The next thing will be to focus on the grades once your sim is in the university because what good is a university degree without the best grades ...
Welcome toThe Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack, now available on Xbox One! Now that you’ve signed up for classes in the city of Britechester, it’s time to learn about all the opportunities of university life. After all, college is about more than just academics—even though thos...
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The Legacy Legacy – Choose either Foxbury Institute or University of Britechester as your family’s Legacy College upon creating your founder. This is the only college your Sims in the Legacy family can attend and donate to throughout the challenge. Choose majors wisely! (1 additional Point) ...
Bonjour,J'ai du mal à lancer mon jeu les Sims 4.Quand je le lance, un message s'affiche : " Les Sims 4 est déjà en cours d'utilisation. Vous pouvez commencer... - 8811010