Another problem with apartments is the inability to build upward or downward. However, if you get creative you can have a comfy and spacious apartment and access to the freedoms offered in the city.Sims 4 City Living Apartments ListExplore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, ...
在《The Sims™ 4 City Living》*中,将您的模拟市民带至城市,并探索城里的一切,包括从热闹非凡的户外活动,到只有公寓生活才能带来的独特情景。 体验城市生活 探索人口稠密、拥有众多独特社区的大城市。 发现文化节庆 通过带模拟市民去城市各处参观不同的节庆活动、观看街头艺人表演、参加比赛、见识生活的各个层面,...
Take your Sims to the city and explore everything it has to offer, from bustling action outside your door, to unique situations that come only with apartment living in The Sims™ 4 City Living. EXPERIENCE CITY LIVING Explore a densely populated, ur
Take your Sims to the city and explore everything it has to offer, from bustling action outside your door, to unique situations that come only with apartment living in The Sims™ 4 City Living*. EXPERIENCE CITY LIVING Explore a densely populated, urban city with a variety of neighborh...
模拟人生4都会生活简介 游戏名称:模拟人生4:都会生活英文名称:The Sims 4: City Living游戏类型:模拟经营类(SIM)游戏游戏制作:Maxis/The Sims Studio游戏发行:EA游戏平台:PC发售时间:2016年9月30日 您的模拟市民渴望远离郊区生活吗?带他们到三米舒诺市实现梦想。在这里,他们可以发现令人兴奋的邻里地区、搬进新公寓、...
Fulfill their dreams in the diverse city of San Myshuno, where they can discover exciting neighborhoods, move into a new apartment, check out fun festivals and more. In The Sims™ 4 City Living your Sims can experience the joys and challenges of sharing close quarters with other Sims. ...
公寓楼下全是人,下楼就能去极客会展香料比赛什么的,sims4里很喜欢的一张图 2024-04-25 memes (镇江) 比较喜欢现代化 2023-12-07 kggarnett (重庆) 2023-11-29 Carrie.Q 2023-10-25 Mass (上海) 2023-10-22 无糖养乐多 (Montserrat) 2023-09-26 其中一个人类 (成都) 2023-09-16...
模拟人生4速建搬运:小农场tiny farm __ sims4 speed building 22:24 模拟人生4速建搬运:地中海别墅mediterranean villa 🌵 | the sims 4| oasis springs build | no cc 23:58 模拟人生4速建搬运:考古学家公寓archaeologist apartment __ the sims 4_ apartment renovation 14:07 模拟人生4速建搬运:1个...
The Sims 4 City LivingCity Living becomes available November 1, 2016. Explore the new city of San Myshuno and its many features, such as festivals, tourists, and street performers. You can rent an apartment and gradually work your way up the ladder using one of the three new careers ...
在《The Sims™ 4 都会生活》中,你的模拟市民可以体验到与其他模拟市民一起住在小房子里的乐趣和挑战。让模拟市民进入全新的大城市职业,从起步小单间一路打拼到顶层豪华公寓! 类型: 角色扮演 , 模拟 , 冒险 视角: 第一人称视角 , 第三人称视角 , 上帝视角 版本: 发行版本 扩展包 模式: 单人 主题:...