7、人际关系 成为好友 modifyrelationship [现有角色名字] [现有角色姓] [目标角色名字] [目标角色姓] 90 Friendship_Main 成为情侣 modifyrelationship [现有角色名字] [现有角色姓] [目标角色名字] [目标角色姓] 90 Romance_Main 90为可以控制的数字,可以是负数 8、一些特殊用途 death.toggle false 角色不会死亡...
1、模拟人生4中一些作弊码需要先激活才能使用。 2、同时按住ctrl+shift+C 3、以下指令需先在控制台输入testingcheats true (也叫大秘籍)激活测试模式 模拟人生4怎么搬家 更新时间:2024/4/10 1、打开模拟人生4,进入游戏。 2、来到大地图中,找到我们要搬去的地方,找到后将在那住的家庭赶走。 3、我们选择自己的...
Just one question though, how would you reapply the relationship status on consoles? Whenever I try to modify any sims' relationships it tells me "cannot edit pre-existing sims". @simvasion It's too bad that doesn't prevent the game from switching back to the first sim when certain...
Been asked for a save ? Here's instructions:How to provide your save game (Post #7) View in thread #2 November 2020 Options Bucksiii ★★ Novice Note: I tried the Testingcheats true relationship.add_bit {simID} {targetSimID} family_son_daughter ...
Solution: While there does not yet seem to be a fix to stop this issue entirely, you can use cheats to edit your Sim’s last name. Press Ctrl+Shift+C, enter testingcheats true then cas.fulleditmode. Shift+Left Click on your Sim to edit them in CAS and change their name.” Pinstar...
All other Sims will have any spousal relationship flags cleared when one partner dies, making the conditions necessary for this situation to occur impossible.A ghost's anger will increase to a higher level of intensity if their tombstone is kicked, or their urn is smashed by a living Sim. ...
Some NPCs might corrupt the entire game if they are made selectable, moved in, or changed in any way. Others cannot be interacted with or moved in without cheats/mods or editing in SimPe but are safe to play as. NPCs that cannot be interacted with normally have the [4] note but refer...
Sims 4 Expansion Packs Sims 4 Cheats How to Cheat in The Sims 4 Sims 4 Challenges Careers Career Cheats Skills Skill Cheats Traits Trait Cheats Get to Work Expansion Seasons Expansion Get Famous Expansion Island Living Expansion Pack Building Houses and Lots - a Build Mode Guide ...
Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Console Command Settings > Enable Full Edit CAS = Enabled Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Console Command Settings > Testing Cheats = Enabled Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Notification Settings > Aging/Death Notifications > Show Age-Up Notifications = Play...
Sims 4 Expansion Packs Sims 4 Cheats How to Cheat in The Sims 4 Sims 4 Challenges Careers Career Cheats Skills Skill Cheats Traits Trait Cheats Get to Work Expansion Seasons Expansion Get Famous Expansion Island Living Expansion Pack Building Houses and Lots - a Build Mode Guide ...