2、在空白条中输入 testingcheats true(记得true!!!)然后按回车键!!Enter!(输完秘籍执行都是按回车键)接着会出现秘籍可用的提示(enabled)没出现enabled就会出现disabled即无效1.获得5W模拟币:motherlode2.获得1K模拟币:kaching/rosebud3.设定家庭资金数额:money数值4.启用免费入住/禁用免费入住:freeRealestateon/...
显示“Cheats are enabled”代表秘籍开启成功了 再输入 cas.fulleditmode 按住shift+左键点击小人,可以修...
press Shift + Ctrl + C to call out the input field Official basic secret TestingCheats true Enable cheat mode/disable cheat mode TestingCheats on/testingCheats off * friendship hints to simulate the life series tradition: when cheating mode is enabled, Shift click the door box to call out a...
(Note: testingcheats true also works)• You will see a confirmation message: “Cheats are enabled”.Reset/debug:• ‘Shift + click’ on the Sim or object and choose “Reset Object (Debug)” from the pie menu that pops up.Method 2 (works only on Sim)2-Steps: With your lot open,...
Write "testingcheats" true and accept it. A message should be displayed in that window: "Cheats are enabled" Enter the cheat code The Sims 4 money cheat codes are: Kaching (1,000 simoleons) Motherlode (50,000 simoleons) View in thread ...
Use the testing cheats enabled money cheat to reduce your household funds back down to where they were before they moved in. Scott October 8, 2014 Reply ok, thanks. I haven’t played this world since this so I wouldn’t get myself too confused on where I need to set everything. ...
(应该是模拟人生4新增秘籍。可能是生活模式或建造模式下可用。做房屋很实用。) • “testingcheats {true/false}” - Enables the use of further cheats 开启作弊大秘籍。可使用更多作弊秘籍。 (功能和Sims3的大秘籍一样,但是秘籍写法不同了。) (以下基本都是先开启作弊大秘籍,然后才能实现的功能。) Entering...
Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Console Command Settings > Enable Full Edit CAS = Enabled Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Console Command Settings > Testing Cheats = Enabled Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Notification Settings > Aging/Death Notifications > Show Age-Up Notifications = Play...
可改建公寓房、宿舍,物品45度摆放 分享21 模拟人生吧 桂圆八宝宝宝 【M3求助】死神鱼秘籍才刚开始玩M3,我快要被自己蠢哭了 因为一直钓不到死神鱼,所以百度找了一个死神鱼秘籍 “Ctrl+shift+C 输入秘籍testingcheatsenabled true后,再输入 分享8赞 模拟人生吧 Pasinv◎ 【M3求助】用秘籍在地下室搞喷泉··最后...
In the same way that you can't use the "Edit Households" option of CAS with large households, you also can't add/remove Sims in the normal Sims 4 manner. Adding Sims to households can either be done using the Testing Cheats method (if Testing Cheats are enabled) of shift-clicking on...