The Sims 4cheats let you play the game exactly how you want. Sure, The Sims series is plenty of fun on its own, but you live your life with the same restrictions you find in the game every day. Cheats let you cut loose and create the neighborhood you want and the house of your dr... Since we're going to have the new expansion in March, I decided to start building a business and a residence on the same lot. This is the thrift and bubble tea store in Copperdale with a small apartment upstairs. Enjoy it! 🌍World: ...
SarahAmina 🏡 Build Info: Lot Type: Residential Size: 30x20 Price: Bedrooms/Bathrooms: Cheats I use: bb.moveobjects bb.showhiddenobjects bb.showliveeditobjects 💻 What I use: - Building: The Sims 4 + All Expansions (GPs, EPs, SPs) - Recording: Nvidia Shadow Play, OBS - Editing: Ve...
unfortunately i tried everything you said and it still didnt work, i deleted all ui cheats mods and the menu was still messed up. i ended up repairing the game not knowing that it would delete all my mods LOL but it actually worked. it was probably a furniture mod that i downloaded ...
I had finished building a wonderful world. I was nearing the end of a scenario. I saved like five times before exiting. When I loaded my game next.. the entire saved filed was erased. Hours of my time have already been wasted on this game.. but this.. this feels .. just plain rud...
Some of the building lots were reduced in Sims 4. In the new edition, you receive a huge variety of instruments for the building. Regulate the height of your roof and walls. Create something extraordinary and postmodern. Beware! While window placing is automatically done, there are some bugs...
The Sims reward lamps that effect emotions, are those considered cheats? If so, oops! Jcolby September 7, 2014 Reply Are you allowed to download houses you can afford from te gallery, or are we restricted to building our own homes? ImaginingMystic September 7, 2014 Reply You can, but...
Heads-up: If you usetestingcheatson console, achievements will be disabled for the current save game. A level 100 romance is the highest you can reach between two Sims. You can increase or decrease the romance level by other amounts using this cheat. To increase by any other amount, repla...
Get the latest news on the Sims 4, along with a Guide for PC, Mac and Console with information on Skills, Careers, Cheats, and an info-sharing Forum Community.
Heads-up: If you usetestingcheatson console, achievements will be disabled for the current save game. A level 100 romance is the highest you can reach between two Sims. You can increase or decrease the romance level by other amounts using this cheat. To increase by any other amount, repla...