今天就来聊聊我在Sims4里的赚钱秘籍,保证让你轻松致富! 不正经途径:作弊码和搬家大法 😏 使用作弊码:按下Ctrl + Shift + C,输入testingcheats true,然后输入money followed by any number. 比如你想要九百万,就输入money9000000。简单粗暴,但要注意不要被游戏检测到哦! 搬家大法:在游戏中点击手机,选择搬出家庭...
There is one drawback to using cheats: many times, the changes are irreversible. This isn't so bad when you're talking about things like the money cheat. However, if you make your Sim pump out 20 kids, you're going to have to deal with the consequences. These cheats can makeThe Si...
http://simscommunity.info/sims-4-cheats/ Also I find entering “money [amount]” is an easier money cheat than motherlode and kaching. For example, you could enter “money 56782” and get that exact amount instead of spamming motherlode and kaching codes. And yes I have entered “money ...
Also I find entering “money [amount]” is an easier money cheat than motherlode and kaching. For example, you could enter “money 56782” and get that exact amount instead of spamming motherlode and kaching codes. And yes I have entered “money 9999999” (the highest amount of money you...
(金錢相關) Get 1,000 Simoleons kaching rosebud Get 50,000 Simoleons motherlode Change funds from household to exact number Money 9999999 All lots are free when you enter this cheat when in neigh 分享912 模拟人生吧 GioGioo 【M4攻略】大学秘籍与bug修复翻译、整理了一些已知的大学秘籍,和常见的bug...
tradition: when cheating mode is enabled, Shift click the door box to call out a number of cheat menu, please use it flexibly. Get the 5W analog currency motherlode Get the 1K analog currency Kaching/rosebud Set the amount of family money Money numerical Enable free check-in/free check-in...
Whenever you are due to pay bills, pay them (if able) and then reduce your household funds to $0 using the money cheat. (Open cheat console with ctrl-c then enter ‘Testing Cheats on’ without the quotes and hit enter. Then ‘Money 0’ without the quotes and hit enter). You may no...
you may merge townies into families with one another prior to moving them in. A Sim who is not the last member of their household will not bring any money into the household. Alternatively, if a Sim does bring in money, use the money cheat to reduce the family’s new balance to whate...
Once your Sim is moved in, use the money cheat (shown below) by typing CTRL+SHIFT+C to cheat your Sim’s starting funds to §1800 (or less if you are doing an Extreme or Ultra Extreme start, but I will be covering that in another guide!). This is the starting money that you wil...
Sims 4 Vs. Cheat Engine 0 Quote PostbyIcyPurpose99»Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:16 am What is the deal with that game. I can't seem to modify the simple values, I only did it for learning purposes and nothing works. I know Sims 4 has in-game cheats to get money and other things, bu...