模拟人生4新人up主实况首发!喜欢的话可以一键三连支持一下~关于<Not so Berry>挑战的具体规则可以看看这个:https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv7289361?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0第一集:BV1Tu411o76X之后更新都会放在收藏夹里,方便大家随时观看三次事情挺多,更新时间不定
Sims4模拟人生十代挑战:不那么莓感模拟人生 Notsoberry十代挑战 吉祥家族 第一代·薄荷 吉祥薄荷决定自己一个人搬到柳溪,开始了2024年的新生活。她用尽了父母的遗产买下了雏菊棚(挑战中第一个房产可以免费,也是唯一的作弊点)。她是个自信的女孩,热爱下棋和运动,对天文地理很感兴趣。 家搬到之后,她的三个邻居都...
模拟人生4骨灰級萌新,游戏实况好下饭欢迎来吃? 尝试各种趣味挑战+捏人盖房市场中期演化再分辨,兼谈市值退市改革与鼓励并购重组对垃圾股的影响!徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒模拟人生4│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果2 (42/42) 自动连播 4.2万播放 简介 订阅合集 模拟人生4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#1│Not so...
Shell Challenges Shell challenges are still as popular today as they were five years ago.Simmers find a shell - a construction with only walls, nothing else - and have to, without deleting, moving, or adding any wall, build a building.Several top Sims YouTubers, like Plumbella or lilsim...
The Not So Berry Challenge was created by Lilisimsie and Alwayssimming and is based off of the Very Berry Legacy Challenge (no I will not go into detail about what that one is about, but just know that it has Berries). And the two key features of this challenge are ...
What Are the Most Fun Sims 4 Challenges? Every player prefers different challenges. Start with easier, shorter challenges and gradually increase the intensity to find your comfort zone. Eventually, you may be able to take part in a legacy challenge, such as thenot-so-berry challenge. ...
Re: 2020 Sims 4 World Ranking « Reply #19 on: July 06, 2020, 09:22:12 AM » The Handiness World Championships ended last night, so the World Ranking has been updated. Not too many changes at the top -- Sruixan still holds onto 1st place, but Nikitachi closed the gap between...
AND LATER:If you want to add an optional layer of randomness to your challenge, if you complete the assigned Teen Aspiration before reaching adulthood you can choose to use the assigned Adult Aspiration that the generator gives you. If you’d rather not do that, you can stick to your ...
If you did not make it to the end of your ten generation legacy challenge, you are not alone. It takes time to create a legacy. Now you can play a new challenge run with a twist! Bonus Content: Two Additional Legacy Challenges
4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#2│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 21:00 模拟4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#3│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 19:53 模拟4│徐氏传奇十代挑战🍒#4│Not so berry challenge 2│不那麽莓果-白手起家第一代 19:39 模拟4│...