3. You may not adopt infants or children. 4. Play on normal lifespans. 5. You must follow all career-specific restrictions until a Sim reaches the top of that career, at which point the actions and objects previously forbidden by the restriction are now allowed for all sims in the househ...
5 couple poses, Thumbnails and descriptions for all posesWHAT YOU WILL NEEDWonderful Whims by TURBODRIVER - Find it here on CurseForge! Any double bed Any three seater couch Any armless and backless chairHOW TO POSETO POSE: Click on your Sim -> Wonderful... -> Pose -> select the pose ...
Preside Over Royal Court Another fun activity for your children is the new “Preside Over royal Court” option. Quite simple, just click on a dining chair and watch the magic happen. Make sure to have a few members of your household sit and watch the show as well! You will even notice ...
Preside Over Royal Court Another fun activity for your children is the new “Preside Over royal Court” option. Quite simple, just click on a dining chair and watch the magic happen. Make sure to have a few members of your household sit and watch the show as well! You will even notice ...
So this next one was requested by AnnW. When I first looked at the TS4 pic I thought thats a bit ugly, but then I saw the TS2 conversion and I loved it! Again matter of opinion about things looking better in TS2! So this chair was originally done bylavi3enrosefor TS4 ...
Miley Cyrus’ Marc Jacobs Photo Shoot —Juergen TellerRefused: Juergen Tellerhas been photographing Marc Jacobs campaigns for years, but when he was asked to shoot Miley he was quick to decline — instead,David Simsstepped in and accepted the wonderful opportunity!
Now she eats a grape, drinks some wine on an outdoors looking set and gets naked standing or in a chair (4 mins). "Miss June" is Marliece Andrada - Mar 1998 - in a dress with no panties which provides more flashes, but the real heat of the scene is some nude full body shots. ...