2、作者S-Club:https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/S-Club/ 3、作者Seleng:https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/Seleng/ 4、作者Leah_Lillith:https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/Leah_Lillith/ 5、作者Nightcrawler:https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Nightcrawler_Sims 6、作者Anto:htt...
So while the cold weather clothing makes sense, the initial outfit my Sim wore with only the hat and shoes correct is clearly a problem. 🤔 I have never played with Mods or Custom Content (CC) in TS4, so this isn't a matter of a Mods/CC conflict. I have checked the Bug Reports...
Creators:I welcome being contacted about known issues, updates, patch compatibility, and other news. My DMs are also open for creators here and on Tumblr (luthsthings). I can be reached on Discord from many Sims 4 creators' and Sims 4 support servers. Players: I do not ...
This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and major updates to custom content. If you use mods, this thread's lists and ongoing reports can he...
This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and non-cosmetic updates to custom content. If you use mods, this thread's lists and ongoing reports c...
S-Club LL ts4 bracelet202001L S-Club LL ts4 Eyebag F04 S-Club LL ts4 necklace 202108 S-Club ts4 C Asia Skin 0224 F S-Club ts4 WM Nails 202108 S-Club ts4 WM RINGS 201901 S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201807 SL_CC_Dress_94 SL_Skirt_36 SUNFLOWERPETALSButterflyDropEarrings WINGS...
Short URL:https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1279352 ItemID:1279352 Filesize:130 KB S-Club WM thesims4 Eyebrows16 M Sims 4/Hair/Facial Hair Created By Featured Artist S-Club Published Jan 12, 2015 147,543Downloads130KB16Comments ...
https://simscommunity.info/2015/12/12/the-sims-4-get-together-creating-clubs/ Custom Content always looks great, I've never used it as I'm on Xbox Series X and it's not possible to use CC. But I agree with you it would be a great idea to have access to it via EA and I'd ...
Filesize:79 KB Feminine Forearm Tattos by LollaLeeloo Sims 4/Skintones Created By Submitting Artist Lollaleeloo Published Mar 11, 2015 41,101Downloads79KB5Comments DownloadAdd to BasketInstall with CC Manager InstallationHelpReportthis Download
AlfredStryker – Sims 4 For Rent More Tenants in Shared Spaces – Jan. 14, Nexus –note: conflicts with More Sims in the World amicurl – Patreon/SFS (via Tumblr) Ami’s Catalog Overhaul: Pack Icon Hider – Jan. 20 Ami’s Catalog Overhaul: Subtle CC Icon – Jan. 20...