There is three different packages: BlackMojitos Big Lips, Blackmojitos Small Lips and BlackMojitos Male skin. I decided that the male skin only should include the big lips. DOWNLOAD Female Version BIG lips:Mediafire/Dropbox DOWNLOAD Male Version BIG lips:Mediafire/Dropbox ...
Sims 4 Doors CC Custom Content Downloads Basset Doors by Mincsims from TSR DOWNLOAD MORE. The set consists of 10 packages. This CC will require installing the City Living expansion pack, and its up to you to decide on whether or not these windows are worth the small monetary sacrifice. ...
Now, make sure that the packages and modules are inside the same folder. Also, this particular folder shouldn’t go deeper than one level in Sims 4 folder. For example, a folder “The Sims 4\Mods\MCCC” is perfectly fine. However, a folder “The Sims 4\Mods\Script Mods\MCCC”’ is...
fichiers .packages qui sont dans le dossier Mods de mon jeu, au même endroit que ceux que j'ai télécharger et qui fonctionnent, pourtant les nouveaux que je télécharge ne fonctionnent pas c'est à n'y rien comprendre... À moins qu'il y aurait un nombre limité de CC à ...
Today I downloaded S3PE to merge packages for my Sims 3 game. When I finished that and went to play my Sims 4 game, my Sims 4 game just never loads and I have to force quit on the program. When I went into my mods folder to see if a new cc I downloaded today was corrupt or...
Click the File Explorer’s taskbar button, and then open this folder path:Electronic arts\Sims 4\Mods Your mod packages need to be unzipped and in standard folder format. If not, you’ll need to unzip a mod by right-clicking it and selectingExtract. ...
原创房屋【丽丽sims原创】M3【古风小院】带人物【含cc】第一弹!,三宫六院 - 模拟人生|模拟人生3|模拟人生4|模拟市民|
CARGO CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT - Getting people's shipments to its final destination is your thing. There's a lot of computer work, and organizational skills are vital. You will also be all over the warehouse as part of your job, so keep fit. Whether getting packages or cargo to a little...
模拟人生4部件路径:存档的Mods文件夹(允许嵌套,不建议太深,脚本类不超过2层) 模拟人生3房屋路径:存档的Library文件夹(不能嵌套.有待测试) 模拟人生3地图路径:存档的Downloads文件夹,需要启动器来管理(预览、安装及卸载) 模拟人生3部件路径:存档的Mods/Packages文件夹(其他情况同模拟人生4) ...
You can find more detailed information on usingMods and CC in The Sims 4 here. Best Mod Download List Better Build/Buy by TwistedMexi Maxis gave us access to their Live Edit objects for building, but left them all named Debug. TwistedMexi's Better Build/Buy will give you a much better ...