Sims 4 Update Wicked Whims websites cc finds Mods Custom Content Expansion Stuff Game Kit Packs infant community resource
Eyes, Brows and Skins for Infants Downloadlink➞ April 2, 2023 Teddy Infant Shoes Downloadlink➞ April 1, 2023 Eyelashes Conversion for infants Downloadlink➞ April 1, 2023 Mya Infant Hair Downloadlink➞ March 29, 2023 Kids Hair Pack No.5 by Sunivaa ...
When I try to change the teens non dark form eyes to vampire eye colors the eye color gets randomly set to a human eye color so I am unable to give them vampire eye colors on their non dark form. *** noticed this only happens when using any vampires created before the up...
NOTE: This thread also covers the December 14, 2023 game update to 1.103.315. This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and non-cosmetic update...
This law is only for those of you that haveThe Sims 4 Get to Work.If you have already started your Legacy prior to GTW’s release you may add this to your Legacy. It is optional though. Xenoarchy –Heirs must alternate between human and alien ...
Created for:The Sims 4Creator Terms of Use This Creation belongs to a Set - Click here to show the whole Set Update 2019-06-24: Mermaid-compatible! A new skin for female sims! R skin 15 Version 1 is adjusted for larger breasts, version 2 for smaller breasts ...
Upload/file date:“Updated” now includes the date of the update. (S) for “script”:This is a script mod, and is meant to have a .ts4script file. If a mod is NOT listed with (S) but has a .ts4script file, do not install it; report it instead. ...
NOTE: This thread also covers the December 14, 2023 game update to 1.103.315. This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and non-co...
NOTE: This thread also covers the December 14, 2023 game update to 1.103.315. This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and non-cosmetic ...
NOTE: This thread also covers the December 14, 2023 game update to 1.103.315. This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and non-cosmetic updates...