All townies who appear Downtown are adults and have the last name "Townie". The townies found on Vacation Island are known as "tourists", but are organized into families of 3 or 4 Sims with randomised last names. Each family contains children as well as
@chloe_sarahh Do you have the CC nested too deeply in subfolders? Could you give me a link to a couple of things you've downloaded but can't see? - The Sims 3 Mac Forum - | - The Sims 4 Mac Forum - - Mac specific TS4 issues - Please do not PM me unless I ask y...
#4 September 2021 Options crinrict Hero @Chloeeb93 Would you mind sending me your save ? Instructions in my signature Good LuckCrin I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your co...
【M吧闲谈】求助sims4 1.93版本怎么缩小家具下的房屋mod有的地方太狭窄去不了想缩小一下家具,试了好多什么alt+( shift+[ ctrl+[啥的都没用都是缩放时间或者是上下移动物品 分享62 sims1吧 月亮〓之吻 sims1的老玩家了物品齐全有情放送作为骨灰级的老玩家,碍于3D的2-4实在玩儿了头晕,电脑里至今保留所有sims...
@chloe_sarahh Do you have the CC nested too deeply in subfolders? Could you give me a link to a couple of things you've downloaded but can't see? - The Sims 3 Mac Forum - | - The Sims 4 Mac Forum - - Mac specific TS4 issues - Please do not PM me unless I ask ...