This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and major updates to custom content. If you use mods, this thread's lists and ongoing reports can help...
Parenthood provides the pack of objects the most suitable for a family daily life and activities, so you can enjoy parenthood. It can ease up your daily routine. Parenthood is not only about a tough job, find the time to relax and have fun together. Vampires may sound like a spooky pack...
Eco Lifestyle Voting Board/Mailbox Give Sim Influence Gain Influence needed for Neighborhood activities Eco Lifestyle Sim/Fabrication Machine Give bucks > Bits/Pieces Get 500 Bits of Pieces currency Batuu Sim Batuu Cheats > Give Batuu Items Get Batuu items for free Batuu Sim Batuu Cheats / Batuu...
Just like any other Sim or pet, have your Sim interact with the pet by playing with it, giving it a treat, playing fetch (if you have a ball), and various other activities. Once you get your friendship level up to Good Friends, the option to Invite To Household should appear on ...
Best Mods For Sims 4 When it comes to thebest sims 4 mod, each of us has our own choice. In simple terms, the best mod describes what makes your gameplay more realistic and fun. So it could be anything. Maybe you just want to mod yoursims clothes,pets,or whatever it’s there in...
Easter and Spring in The Sims 4 A guide to spring in Seasons. Includes information on The Sims 4's version of Easter with the Flower Bunny and Love Day (Valentine's Day). Covers springtime activities and the making of custom holidays. ...
But with a few different styles of paintings that unlock as you progress through the Painting skill in The Sims 4, each bringing in a different number of Simoleons regardless of their size, it helps to know which of the paintings are worth it. ...
MC Command Center – Deaderpool – not yet updated for the menu to appear on the For Rent mailboxes Social Activities – LittleMsSam – skill does not increase, but otherwise fine Obsolete WHAT TO DO: For mods that are obsolete because of a patch update, delete from Mods,...
The Sims 4’s newest expansion pack, Growing Together, is all about family. Initially announced in February, the DLC offers more storytelling options for Sims families -- from familial activities like building a tree house together to new social features that will help create stronger bonds ...
Download at Sims4Studio Social Activities by LittleMsSam This is such a simple mod but seems like a no-brainer when you think about it. Sims regularly go into rabbit holes, but what if you could choose to do so - like send them out with a friend so that they'll autonomously fill up...