*similar to when you put acne cream on teenagers on the sims to get rid of a pimple. Player will have to pay attention to their sim in order to see a sore and have it treated. ( sore medicine don’t need to be purchased. The option to treat it will show up as soon as it’s...
02.01.2025 - Added Support for Somik and Severinka's Functional Drinks Tray CC. Remove their optional "Optional Snippet LittleMsSam" File pls. (Be Aware I tried to contact them before adding Support without success, so if they want me to remove the Support I will do so) 21.12.2024 - ...
I’m typing this while holding a busy 8m old and trying to watch 4 other kids under the age 8 so if this is very unreadable and very uneducatedly typed, I’m sorry.. bare with me please 😅 Okay now for the game play, I tried to think of ways to make it as realistic as possi...