A Guide to the Engineering Career in The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion - become a Computer or Mechanical Engineer with an ExoSuit. Includes information on pay and other career rewards.
Each Career has two Branches you can choose from that give different bonuses. If you're unsure which to pick, view the guides below, but know that once you can't change tracks without reloading the game. You can go into another career, but a Master of the Real can't change to become...
The Detective Career is one of the 3 active careers inThe Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack. The Police Station is at the center of this career. You will start there to pick up new cases, interrogate suspects and work with follow officers to solves crimes. You will start as aCadetbut ...
The Sims 4 Discover University has been announced for November 15, for PC/Mac and December 17 for Xbox and Playstation 4 consoles. Latest Guides: Discover University Features Guide Discover University Cheats Degrees in Discover University Updated with Scholarships Education Career - Professor or Admi...
The Sims 4 City Living has added the ability for Sims to work from home when joining the Critic, Social Media, or Politics Careers. This allows Sims to have a more active role in gaining career performance without having to send them off to work. An hour before Sims are required to le...
Sims who reach level 6 in the Doctor Career will be rewarded with the exclusive“Determine Baby Gender”interaction. This friendly interaction can be used in the hospital or at home with friends and family. New Ways to Die The Sims 4 Get To Work does not provide a new Death Type, but ...
Check out the latest news from The Sims! SimsVIP has the latest news, game guides, tutorials, and original content for The Sims Franchise!
Her career originally began in game development and she remains fascinated by how games tick in the modding and speedrunning scenes. She likes long fantasy books, longer RPGs, can't stop playing co-op survival crafting games, and has spent a number of hours she refuses to count building ...
The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack | Official Reveal Trailer The Sims™ 4 Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack* arrives Mar 6 7 25 Years Into The Sims, EA Is Still Making The Same Mistakes For long-time players, the game's 25th anniversary elicits hope and skepticism in equal...
Sims 4 building tips: Renovate Sims 4 challenges: New rules Sims CC has a lengthy history, and after a full decade of The Sims 4, there are hundreds of creators and thousands of creations to add to your own game. Now that the base game is free-to-play, all the more reason to load...