Building in the Sims 4 is one of my favourite parts of the game. I can spend hours and hours building away without even playing with the Sims at all, I love it. I’ve even done an intricate Sims 4 half-level stairs tutorial which took some thinking to work out! When I first ...
Once in the Magical Realm you will want to look around the Magic HQ building and locate the three Sages to begin your Sim’s journey into the life of a powerful Spellcaster. This is as simple as introducing your Sim to a Sage and ‘Ask How to Use Magic’. Your sim can also go fish...
Going back to a somewhat closed world, Sims 4 does not come with a Story... Guides and Tutorials The Sims 4 Tutorial: Using Half Walls In Your Game SimsVIPJuly 10, 2015 17 Half-Walls are a new building tool option added to The Sims 4. This tutorial covers... ...
Re: The Sims4 Building errors I don't mind at all@JonaO703😀. The changes to build mode on console were from patch 1.69 about 5 weeks ago in an effort to improve console controls but unfortunately it's resulted in some unintentional issues. I'm sticking to small builds and apartment...
So far, I feel more comfortable at usings4pe and Color Magicthan the new tool Sims4Studio, so it's the tools I'll use in this tutorial. I might update at some point, when I switch to Sims4Studio! I'm also usingPhotoshop, instead of GIMP, but the process is quite similar. ...
all I see is an empty lot and I can't even interact with the objects or enter the building. Can you please help me fix it?","kudosSumWeight":0,"postTime":"2023-12-17T02:29:11.969Z","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"pageInfo...
There is a new blog post with details on the prizes, a video tutorial, and an FAQ section. You can read it below. Get ready for a free, limited-time Event where you’ll need to venture into Live Mode to participate. A mysterious figure has blasted into town and needs your help...
Once in the Magical Realm you will want to look around the Magic HQ building and locate the three Sages to begin your Sim’s journey into the life of a powerful Spellcaster. This is as simple as introducing your Sim to a Sage and ‘Ask How to Use Magic’. Your sim can also go ...
The Sims 4 City Living has added 24 new lot traits available for use on all lots (including apartments and venues) in any world. Each trait has a unique effect that can change how your Sims interact with the lot, including skill boosts, animations, and building personality. Some lot trai...
and the general idea of gaining some sort of progress in the game. This includes constantly updating yourstyle, constant socialization, the need to attend or throw outparties, earningresources, getting promotion atwork, purchasing furniture and appliance for your home, building arelationshipwith anot...