提取码:67HW BetterBuildBuy&Tool: TwistedMexi | Creating Mods for Sims 4 | Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TwistedMexi 备用链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LNKL--anWAO5-NL3Bp87_g 提取码:Z64j Sims 4 Studio(Windows&Mac): https://sims4studio.com/board/6/download-sims-studio-open-...
那是Felixandre x Harrie的baysic组合包的柜子cc。如果有宝子出现了同样的问题,可以把mods文件夹里前缀BAYSIC_的文件删掉,替换成重新下载的BAYSIC组合包cc文件夹试试看,就到Felixandre x Harrie的原地址下载https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/baysic(无需翻墙)即可。 评分 参与人数 1辣条+1 收起 ...
Today I would like to introduce you my new Line named "Kessler Kitchen". I wanted to try a more classic style with 3D details in the counters / cabinets and islands. This Kitchen comes with 2 different styles of islands so you can make a mixed custom design. Here is a few thing you ...
⛏TwistedMexi(betterbuildandbuy等一系列热门mod的作者)说进不去EAapp的界面 所以更新要更慢一点(再牛的大佬在ea的垃圾软件面前也束手无策) ⛏mccc已经有hotfix版本了,可以去官网下载; ⛏社交性模组比如Firstimpression还有interactionandpregnancyoverhaul全部阵亡(意料之中) 等待更新中 一个好笑的观察是,汤不热...
作为一个不喜欢装太多mod的玩家,我必备的几个模组推荐给大家,有几个挺小众的 14:37 【模拟人生4】极简mod玩家必备的8个模组 有几个非常小众 | sims4模组推荐 视频中提到的模组 1,BetterBuildBuy https://www.patreon.com/posts/better-buildbuy-99471336 2,MC控制中心 https://deaderpool-mccc.com/downloads...
(Better BuildBuy includes the features of Expandable BuildBuy.) Sul sul!I don't work for EA, and I don't do private support.I do receive products from EA as part of the EA Creator Network.Have you backed up your Saves? Checked for broken and updated mods/CC? Reply 0 + XP #3...
😎模拟人生4可视化模组管理分类教程 Reshade安装教程: Reshade安装教程 Reshade滤镜5.5.2保姆级教程,解决你的界面空白! 手把手教你卸载Reshade TOOL: 【模拟人生4】BetterBuildBuy&TOOL的进阶使用教程 这就是我为什么离不开TOOL的原因!! 使用动作盒子截图 / 拍照 / 跳舞: ...
Symptom: No beds can be placed in Build/Buy mode Known Cause: outdated CC beds Note: Find replacements or batch-fix in Sims 4 Studio. If Maxis adds a new function to beds again, working CC will not be available until Sims 4 Studio is reupdated to include that function in a new batch...
[Buy/Build]+ All wall heights are exported/imported with batch import options once again.[CAS]+...
The Sims 4: “Create-a-World” Mod Coming October 21st (Reveal Trailer) SimsVIPSeptember 21, 2021 46 After a long two years of development, TwistedMexi has officially announced his Sims 4 Create-a-World... The Sims 4 Mods The Sims 4: Expandable Build/Buy Catalog Mod Now Available!