many of you should be following creators directly for news. The pinned topicHow to Use Mods and CCincludes advice about game updates, mod management, finding broken mods, and how toavoid downloading broken and malicious content. And remember…Back up your ...
The Sims 4 Parenthood adds a new Pre-Built Lot that you can add into any world. The lot can be found and placed by entering your Library in The Sims 4 Gallery. Commodious Residence (Residence, 30×20, §99,655)– This Residence has generous space for the family of your dreams! With...
This gnome is a green futuristic alien with a pointy head. Guardian of the Gnomelaxy can be appeased withCoffee,Future Cube, andToys. Gnome Matter What, I’m Still Your Baby A classic gnome wearing a red hat, with his arms raised above his head. Gnome Matter What, I’m Still Your B...
When an Imaginary friend becomes a real Sim, they have an option to turn into toy form. They still stay a real sim, but it’s like a “dress up” back into toy form. While your Imaginary friend and regular Sim are in a romantic relationship, they are also able to try for a baby....
in the household and gains a new personality trait. You must also follow the random generator’s result when choosing a childhood or adult aspiration when aging up an infant to child or child to teen respectively. You may not use music or fruit to influence the gender of an unborn baby. ...
Toys Pet Door Scratching Post How To Adopt A Pet In The Sims 4 Once you’ve prepared the home for the pet of your choice, it’s now time to adopt! There are two ways to adopt a pet via the adoption agency: From the computer, you’ll click Household, then Adopt, then Adop...
One of the easiest ways to build a Child's Creativity skill in The Sims 4 is with anactivity table. These allow them tocreate various drawings, unlocking new types as they get better at the skill. Plenty of thesmaller toys that go in toyboxeshelp children with their Creative skill by al...
- New toys such as play kitchens, scooters, bikes for children and toddlers, skateboards, baby dolls, colouring books, blocks/legos - Backpack interactionss for children and teens to take to school / store homework, report cards, etc.
My sim started dating, had a surprise baby then proposed to a nonplayed sim. I then went to play that sim only to find out that she started getting tense saying that she had the noncommittal trait. I went to mod cas edit to change it but she doesnt have it. How can change this?
Returning to The Sims 1 in 2023 is a weird challenge I fully recommend Have You Played... The Sims? 10 extremely good ideas for The Sims 5 Motherlode: a pocket full of gravestones in Simento Mori part 3 Motherlode: combustion and singing in Simento Mori part 2...