but now is universal. How different the two paths are will depend on the job. The two flavors of the writing career (author and journalist) both involve writing, but the two flavors of the entertainer career (Comedian and Musician) each focus on a very different ...
Career Branches: Author Branch and Journalist BranchCompare Careers' Money-Making PotentialThanks to Forum member melbrewer367 for giving me this idea. The following table lists all top-level jobs by total earned per week and is meant to help you decide what Career to pick for your Sim in or...
The written word is indeed powerful and your prolific author has penned enough books to restock the entire region and setup an ordering service for sims to buy books from the outside world. The money earned from all this is used to rebuild the regional libraries. Writer – Journalist The sta...
Writer (author): §25/hr. –§465/hr Writer (journalist): §25/hr –§287/hr Legacy players should consider choosing a first job with a high or moderate starting salary, as they will need the money. Start-up entrepreneurs, authors, space rangers, and comedians make for demanding yet dep...
About The Author Dmitry Lapunov (489 Articles Published) Dmitry Lapunov is a video game writer and journalist based in Minsk, Belarus. A passionate gamer at his heart, Dmitry’s been enjoying video games since mid-nineties before moving on to a more professional kind of interaction with the...
Associated with Careers:Management (Business Career), Charity Organizer (Politician Career), Public Relations (Social Media Career), Journalist (Writer Career) Degree Description:To understand one another, we must first learn how to communicate with one another. With an emphasis on building theCharisma...
And as an aspiring journalist, he uses social media to share the wealth of the media that he feels should be spread to others. Advertisement Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBentleyNinja Lissykin (Author) –Lissykin is a devoted Sims fan, known to experience time warps when sucked into ...
About the Author:Brittany Vincent is a contributing writer forHP Tech Takes. Brittany is a gaming and tech journalist, consultant, and author. She collects retro and modern gaming consoles, niche titles, and she loves helping others succeed in their favorite games. ...
Thank you to Bob Chaundy, journalist and author of Considering Art, for the glowing review of Eileen Cooper’s Short Stories exhibition at Sims Reed Gallery! Read all about it here. “It’s a seductive exhibition – intimate, sensual and with a lightness of touch. With those bright, pape...
Branches ; Author and Journalist Level 1 – Writer’s Assistant Working days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. You can win $ 25 per hour and $ 200 total in a day. Ideal mood for this level is inspired. Reading books will help you to get promotion and for daily tasks. No bon...