There is a catch, however. Only one set of restrictions may be lifted per Sim. Even if you can get them to the top of more than one career in their lifetime, only the first one counts towards completing this challenge. This includes teenage careers. If a Sim reaches the top of a te...
The military career track available in The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3. In The Sims 4: StrangerVille, military returns as a semi-active career. The military career track from the original The Sims is notable for having the highest pay at ranks 1-6 b
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The main career choices are as follows: Astronaut Writer Tech Guru Entertainer· Painter Criminal Culinary Secret Agent Each of these has a sub Branch so that you have 2 path choices. For instance the Astronaut has the paths Space Ranger or International Smuggler. Entertainers can be ...