"Steam Sims 4 \"Application not found\" when trying to launch","id":"message:11846312","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":2,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:5028138"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en"},"conversation"...
Beim Versuch es wieder zu starten kommt die Meldung von Steam "application not found" (s. Bild im Anhang) und Launch sei nicht möglich. Ich habe öfter gelesen, dass man Origin installiert haben muss. Auf dem alten Laptop war das noch der Fall aber Origin wurde für Windows komplett ...
+《模拟人生4:欢聚一堂》 +《模拟人生4:电影同乐》 +《模拟人生4:浪漫花园》 +《模拟人生4:外出用餐》 +《模拟人生4:童乐房间》 +《模拟人生4:城市生活》 +《模拟人生4:吸血鬼》 +《模拟人生4:复古经典》 +《模拟人生4:休闲后院》 +《模拟人生4:保龄球之夜》 ...
《模拟人生4:都会生活》 《模拟人生4:同欢共乐》 《模拟人生4:来去上班》 扩充包 《模拟人生4:月影狼踪》 《模拟人生4:婚旅奇缘》 《模拟人生4:梦想家装》 《模拟人生4:星球大战 巴图之旅》 《模拟人生4:魔法世界》 《模拟人生4:诡奇小镇》 《模拟人生4:丛林探险》 ...
I'm facing an issue with The Sims 4 game when attempting to use the A350M graphics card as the default on Windows 11. Unfortunately, the game is not functioning, and it doesn't even open. So far, I haven't found any solutions on the forums. I own a Galaxy Book2 Pro noteboo...
First off I would check that Oracle Reports is not available outside your firewall or VPN access. Once I was made aware of the possible security issue, the next step was figuring out how to disable it. What I found was this MOS article on disabling the help menu. ...
Note - Because setup-tty is not installed on the target system, you must retrieve the setup-tty program from the distribution image and not from the system. On the CD, the setup-tty script can be found in /cdrom/sun_internet_mail_4_0/products/sims/setup-tty. ...
To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found inDocuments >EA > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read:PC: 1.112.519.1020 / Mac: 1.112.519.1220;Console: 2.06 Sul Sul, Simmers! This update covers a series of quick fixes for issues reported on the...
that I haven't found an existing compatibility report for this game. I have actually, but it describes different symptoms, even though also connected to EA App and it no longer launching but it seems to be for existing installs: EA App games do not start at all #6396 that I have check...
Hi there. I got the game Sims 4 for Mac a couple weeks ago and just last week the game started but then said "application not responding". It had gotten... - 10913720