of custom freckles out there. There are two types of custom content in The Sims 4 game: alpha CC and maxis. I like how the smattering reaches all the way to the forehead its cute! This is great because it adds so much detail to your sims body and makes them look more unique than a...
Katverse, makeup cc, Must-have CC, S4 cc, sims 4, sims 4 custom content, sims 4 makeup, sims 4 makeup creators, sims 4 mods, The Sims 4, ts4, ts4 cc It's time to do another list of awesome custom content. This time it's all about makeup. Here I've listed my favorite...
Technical Issues with The Sims 4 on PC? Get help with updates, expansions, codes, and backing up and updating your game, or help other Simmers make
Sims 4 Hairs for Females or Males, Alpha Hair, Maxis Match CC, Pack, Recolors and Retextures from Tumblr and Websites. Free Sims 4 CC Hairstyles Downloads!
【模拟人生4】| MOD分享 | 现代家具集合CC280+ JaylinGoGoGo 01:05 【模拟人生4mod分享】💖【100+】优质男装合集,看的我心里痒痒的~🌞 苏苏苏sup 01:04 苏苏苏sup 03:13 模拟人生4mod分享|家居合集包第三弹287款 你的妮妮Ya 【模拟人生4mod分享】可爱奶油EA风&真实alpha风&动漫风皮肤CC合集70+(覆盖&...
Technical Issues with The Sims 4 on PC? Get help with updates, expansions, codes, and backing up and updating your game, or help other Simmers make
OUR OWN CC / SNOOTYSIMS @ PATREON – Did you know that we create our own custom content (CC)? We publish it on our Patreon account, where you can download it
模拟人生4 Mod [The Sims 4] 《模拟人生4(The Sims 4)》是一款策略性生活模拟游戏,由Maxis和模拟人生工作室开发,属于《模拟人生》系列的第四代作品,并由艺电发行。于2014年9月2日正式推出Microsoft Windows版本,并于2015年2月20日推出MacOS版本,PlayStation 4和Xbox One版本已于2017年11月14日推出。
1. 打开模拟人生4工作室,以改色(recolor)的途径打开一份刺青,将纹理导出并用Photoshop打开。 2. 在新的透明图层中涂上白色背景,在通道中建立Alpha图层,选中刺青并涂上白色,如下图: 3. 导入需要的皮肤模板,将图层置于背景图层之上。 4. 导入你的刺青文件,并将不需要的部分去掉(可以使用魔法橡皮擦),并把它置于...