快速升级技能:如果你觉得技能升级慢不想等,按住Shift点击小人→改变技能等级→选中一个技能随便填等级。你也可以在testingcheats true模式下输入bb.give_sim_all_skills所有技能就满级了,奈斯。 建造模式小技巧 🏠 在建造模式下自由放物品的cheat是:bb.moveobjects on。我看好多分享都没有on,有on才会弹出相应对话框...
The only major drawback to using cheats is that they disable the ability to earn trophies or achievements. If you want to earn these again as normal, simply type "testingcheats off" to turn off cheat mode. 1. Immortal Sims All of the Sims inThe Sims 4have a lifecycle, and they'll ev...
一.在Sim4游戏中按 [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C 开启控制台,输入秘籍指令后按 回车。 1、基础大秘籍(一众秘籍的基础,建议打开游戏就输入) testingcheatstrue 启用作弊模式 2、人物 cas.fulleditmode 修改人物基因(按shitf点击人物修改) sims.Spawn 产生新的小人并将其添加到您的家庭。 sims.spawnsimple 产生新的小...
5. Sims 4 cheats for skillsThe Sims 4 features many RPG elements, including stats tied to multiple activities. Fortunately, you don't have to hear your Sim play out-of-tune guitar to become a maestro or paint terrible paintings to become a virtuoso. Just enter the Sims 4 cheat for skill...
第一视角 Shift + Tab 使用 Ctrl + Shift + Tab 可在TS3镜头和TS4镜头之间快速切换 【镜头控制】 镜头跟随:右击该人物头像 Toggle Top Down View: T 【秘籍开启/关闭方法】 按 Shift + Ctrl + C 打开控制台,输入 TestingCheats True 开启秘籍,输入 TestingCheats False 关闭秘籍。开启秘籍之后,按住 Shift ...
第一视角 Shift + Tab 使用 Ctrl + Shift + Tab 可在TS3镜头和TS4镜头之间快速切换 【镜头控制】 镜头跟随:右击该人物头像 Toggle Top Down View: T 【秘籍开启/关闭方法】 按 Shift + Ctrl + C 打开控制台,输入 TestingCheats True 开启秘籍,输入 TestingCheats False 关闭秘籍。开启秘籍之后,按住 Shift ...
4,skillpoints It'snotrecommendedtousethatmultifunctionpatch,andwhen yourunoutofit,there'sabugthatyourcharactercan'tstop Directlyusecheatstosetallskillstolevel10canbe Stats.set_skill_levelMajor_Fishing10fishing Stats.set_skill_levelMajor_Mischief10prank ...
Max out Skills with The Sims 4 Cheats You can max out skills in The Sims 4 using the cheat codes below. Open up the cheat console (CTRL + SHIFT + C) and enable testingCheats with testingCheats true and then enter the following cheat codes, after selecting a sim, to max out their de...
Don't forget to check out our Sims 4 Cheats page for every combination you could possibly need. Generally skills are gained by performing the actions associated with it: cooking a meal increases the Cooking skill, repairing stuff increases the Handiness skill, and so on. Working on the skill...
TheseThe Sims 4hackscan make the game more fun and ridiculous than it already is, but make sure to give the game a try without them, too. There are a ton of things to do, and earning money and skills as part of the typical gameplay makes you appreciate them more. ...