1. The Sims 3: World Adventures 2. The Sims 3: High-End Loft Stuff 3. The Sims 3: Ambitions 4. The Sims 3: Fast Lane Stuff 5. The Sims 3: Late Night 6. The Sims 3: Outdoor Living Stuff 7. The Sims 3: Generations 8. The Sims 3: Town Life Stuff 9. The Sims 3: Pets ...
I love The Sims 3 Pets! I love The Sims 3, and this and expanison pack you can't live without. It adds so much to the game, even unicorns! Get the limited edition, because of the pet shop. It gives you common-rare animals. No bugs or glitches. Awesome game! If you are an ex...
Your pets can become your best friends in the Sims game and you can eventrain them to do jobs! There are 3 careers they can choose from: showbiz, security, and services. Having them do jobs will also help you boost your income. In this game feature, your pets will be picked up from...
Download your FREE* Atomic Age themed pet items now! With a variety of new activities and social interactions, take control of your Sims’ pets to discover surprising new ways to play with life! CloseCongratulations! You have successfully registered your The Sims 3 Showtime expansion pack. Downl...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-3-technical-issues-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:8285657"},"subject":"Re: [Resolved] Sims 3 expansion/stuff pack download error","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_dat...
Houseboats can be built and placed in any Custom, Store or Expansion Pack World. If you have The Sims 3 Pets Expansion Pack installed, all pets can board houseboats and set sail with your household. Keep in mind that Horses require plenty of room to satisfy their needs, so confining them...
Dogs in the Sims 3 Pets have the ability to go and“Fetch a Date”for their owners. The Dog must have alevel 5in the hunting skill in order to gain this ability however. Fetching a Date for a Sim is only possible in the Clubs and venues that came with theLate Night Expansionpack. ...
Summarize your bugBought sims 3 expansion packs, but having trouble downloading How often does the bug occur?Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?I go into the EA App once more to see if there is any download button to download the two expansions, and there is ...
[3] They come to bring newly adopted pets to the family, or take away pets that have been mistreated. Butlers[TS2:AL]: Butlers take over almost all of the Service NPCs work. So, Sims no longer need to hire every single Service NPC for housekeeping. Butlers are very costly, so ...
The NPC pets in Brindleton Bay have a really rough life. They’re frequently sick and clearly in a bad way, because they spawn with such low needs. This makes Brindleton Bay a better place to visit or live by artificially improving their needs when they spawn. Sims is a cheerful game,...