The Sims 3 CheatsCheatWhat it Does testingcheatsenabled true Enables testing cheats (such as shift-click mailbox) kaching or rosebud Gives the household $1,000 Simoleons familyfunds lastname amount The best money cheat. Gives the specified amount of money to the household with that last name ...
Money and gameplay cheats Cheat Effect resetSim [FIRSTNAME LASTNAME] Resets the Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home. It’s useful if they got stuck, and very useful if they just died and have not disappeared yet, like when a Sim dies at the corner and ...
familyFunds [x][y]- Give money to a family, where [x] is the family's last name and [y] is the amount fullscreen [on/off]- Toggles windowed mode unlockOutfits [on/off]- Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. Note: Must be enabled before entering CAS ...
Sims money cheats are one of those traditions that have been with the series since the beginning. Look, The Sims has always been about daydreaming, and sometimes you're building a mansion and want your dual-income-no-kids couple to move into it as young adults without working their way up...
若要使用作弊指令,請在作弊欄中輸入boolprop testingcheatsenabled true,然後按下Enter鍵。 輸入您想使用的作弊代碼,然後按下Enter 鍵。 以下為《模擬市民 2》最常見的部分作弊方式。 需要輸入 on/off 的 boolprop 作弊指令也可改為輸入 true/false。
Make sure to also read theGameplay Rulessection for an in-depth look at all of the rules. Just remember the basics though: No cheats/hacks that make your gameplay easier! In the next installment of this guide series, I will explain how to make money in the early on. Stay tuned!
Create a minimum of four YA sims and built them a home. You may use money cheats to build, but reset your funds to 5.000 when you’re done. You will need the Martial Arts skill, so use buydebug to get the training dummy. You may use buydebug to buy 3 fully mature base game plants...
Now that you have your restaurant lot, you will need to transfer funds from your household to the restaurant. Select any amount to start off, but be sure you have enough money available if you’re going to spend it on building a restaurant from scratch. ...
Sims may reject higher donation requests and your Sim’s schedule doesn’t have consecutive days, which can make promotions harder to get; the bonuses are also pitiful in comparison to the Politician Branch and at the Level 10, you make less money per day and only work 3 days per week ...
Use the testing cheats enabled money cheat to reduce your household funds back down to where they were before they moved in. Scott October 8, 2014 Reply ok, thanks. I haven’t played this world since this so I wouldn’t get myself too confused on where I need to set everything. ...