***.package路径:我的文档\Electronic Arts\模拟市民3\Mods\Packages\***.packageResource.cfg位置:我的文档\Electronic Arts\模拟市民3\Mods\Resource.cfgResource.cfg下载:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=596748&uk=825050653*** 官方方式很简单,这样就行了,用不了两分钟 ***===Packages文件夹里可...
Extract the files and place the .package file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages\ folder – the same place where your NoBuildSparkles.package and nointro.package mods are. If you want to delete any mod, you can simply delete the related .package file. And that ...
X:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3之下手动新建一个Mods文件夹,并Mods文件夹下手动建立一个packages文件夹,把你的package文件放到packages文件夹里就可以了。(X代表你安装游戏所在的那个硬盘分区) 不过要让package文件能够使用还需要一个叫Resource.cfg的文件(教你手动自制一个) X:\Program Files\Electronic...
1,下载后解压缩,点Sims3Dashboard.exe它会自动扫描你存放的package文件的资料夹(若无自动排查,请点左上角的[FILE]-[ScanFolder]去选择你放package文件的路径)。 2,扫描完毕后,依照情况的不同会有不同的颜色,若全部无颜色则所有MOD没有问题。 3,按下右下角的Refresh,就会开始检查(建议删完冲突MOD再复查一遍,...
Place the package files intoDocuments/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages. If you don't have that folder yet, follow the instructions below. Creating a Mods folder In theDocuments/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3folder, create a new folder and name itMods. In this Mods folder create again ...
@roberta591 This player is trying to install .Sims3Packs through the launcher, not .package files. So the Mods folder is irrelevant. ———I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games. Reply 1 + XP #3 October 2022 Options night0...
3.Mods夹 下载链接文件 https://chii.modthesims.info/FrameworkSetup.zip 丢到/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/ (ps.这个版本的Mods夹为了检测是否安装成功在Packages里事先放了NoIntro.package,打开游戏时会直接跳过开头动画,但在64位中似乎会出现开头黑屏的情况,建议删掉) ...
The Sims icon likely comes from S3PE, as in, Sims 3 Package Editor. This is not why your mods and/or custom content files aren't working. The file association has nothing to do with how Sims 3 itself reads or doesn't read the files. I myself don't have a file type assoc...
more complex Sims through the addition of emotions and new traits. Compared toThe Sims 3, TS4 is geared more towards low-end specs of its platform and simplicity in the whole game. Apackage fileis a resource package file used by variousEA games, includingThe Simsseries. It storesan archive...