Extract the files and place the .package file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages\ folder – the same place where your NoBuildSparkles.package and nointro.package mods are. If you want to delete any mod, you can simply delete the related .package file. And that ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":8328356,"subject":"Sims 3 Package Mods","id":"message:8328356","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:5162191"},"readOnly":false},"Conversation:conversation:8328356":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:...
HomeThe Sims 3 Mods 124 Collections 0 Media 62 Trending Mods View all Lockwood - Populated Small Town World by GguyWesker101 2 Adds the detailed world of Lockwood to your list of worlds. A small town settled far within the mountains and filled with Sims both eccentric and traditional. Each...
1,下载后解压缩,点Sims3Dashboard.exe它会自动扫描你存放的package文件的资料夹(若无自动排查,请点左上角的[FILE]-[ScanFolder]去选择你放package文件的路径)。 2,扫描完毕后,依照情况的不同会有不同的颜色,若全部无颜色则所有MOD没有问题。 3,按下右下角的Refresh,就会开始检查(建议删完冲突MOD再复查一遍,...
For .package files: The Sims 3 is NOT patched to 1.12.70 or above You will need a file called Resource.cfg, which you can downloadhere. Extract the Resource.cfg file from the Zip file. Place that Resource.cfg file in: Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\ ...
Place the package files intoDocuments/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages. If you don't have that folder yet, follow the instructions below. Creating a Mods folder In theDocuments/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3folder, create a new folder and name itMods. In this Mods folder create again ...
(ps.这个版本的Mods夹为了检测是否安装成功在Packages里事先放了NoIntro.package,打开游戏时会直接跳过开头动画,但在64位中似乎会出现开头黑屏的情况,建议删掉) 4.汉化补丁 在Origin购买的Sims 3安装时只能选择繁体中文而且字体很糊,因此需要自己添加汉化补丁。理论上任何适用1.69的汉化补丁都可以用。我用的是北城卧龙...
此工具自订物品中分为3部分Mods – 已安装:大部分是非功能性CC,但也可能把某些功能性Mod的package包含进去,请注意检查。Mods – 覆盖替换:覆盖类替换类Mod,这一块打包一定要注意,去睫毛、WW等都属于替换类,最好不要打包,额外提供。某些Mod的身体变化也可能包含进去,注意检查。Packs – 已安装:使用的DLC内容,...
Mods 和Packages这两个文件夹是自己手动建立的噢 。我看了您上传的图片上,确实没有Mods这个文件夹。。系统当然说找不到喽。手动在您图上显示的这个文件夹里建立Mods这个文件夹,之后进入这个文件夹再手动新建一个Packages文件夹 就可以啦 当然还需要一个Resource.cfg文件放在Mods这个文件夹里就是了。这...
2022-02排查器sims3dashboard使用方法.pdf,1, 后解压缩,点Sims3Dashboard.exe 它会自动扫描你存放的package 文件的资料夹 (若无自动排查,请点左上角的[FILE]-[Scan Folder]去选择你放package 文件的路径) 2,扫描完毕后,依照情况的不同会有不同的颜色,若全部无颜色则