3.Mods夹 下载链接文件 https://chii.modthesims.info/FrameworkSetup.zip 丢到/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/ (ps.这个版本的Mods夹为了检测是否安装成功在Packages里事先放了NoIntro.package,打开游戏时会直接跳过开头动画,但在64位中似乎会出现开头黑屏的情况,建议删掉) 4.汉化补丁 在Origin购买的Sims...
@Susselina91 If you're willing to use mods, try the NRaas mod that starts with W that can't be mentioned on this site due to its (slightly) adult... - 11148568
Nraas mods allow players to customize their game even more than an unmodded game allows. Some of them are very helpful with errors, and can improve performance and help with routing issues and other errors that the game produces no matter what. Only three are necessary:MasterCon...
Twallan's mods for The Sims 3: A project lead by the NRaas Community (nraas.wikispaces.com) - KhArtNJava/NRaas
CAS 创建市民时会调用的文件缓存 CompositorCache.package 建筑购买模式新增加的物品缓存 ScriptCache.package 各类Core mod, turning mod 一些作弊修改游戏规则类的mod缓存.simCompositorCache.package 新安装的小人和皮肤类的缓存 socialCache.package 1.31版后增加的联网互动的缓存 都删除 ...
安装方法: 将编辑好的 Resource. cfg 文件和 Packages 目录放在“我的文档(根据 XP和 W7 系统位置有所不同请自行查找) \Electronic Arts\The Sims 3(繁体中文目录名为模擬市民 3) \Mods, Mods 目录下放 NRaas_Overwatch. packae 使用方法: 一般游戏中会定时自动运行清理。 也可以手动控制, 在游戏中点自己控...
安装方法:将编辑好的Resource.cfg文件和Packages目录放在“我的文档(根据XP和W7系统位置有所不同请自行查找)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3(繁体中文目录名为模擬市民3)\Mods,Mods目录下放NRaas_Overwatch.package 使用方法:一般游戏中会定时自动运行清理。也可以手动控制,在游戏中点自己控制的小人,或者点市政大厅,会出...
If The Sims 3: Supernatural is installed, this type will not be available in Create a Sim. If given with NRaas Master Controller Cheats, their thirst motive will start out at "Thirsty" at a 2-hour countdown. Buried alive (a.k.a. Human Statue) Invisible with hints of black Watery ...
You can try the MOO cheat to physically move the horse or use NRaas MasterController's "Reset Lot" on the lot. This will also resets all items on the lot to their starting parameters (useful for unsticking broken objects). Ciara
Can mods damage your game? They can, if they're badly scripted. But they can also rescue your game! It's famous thatNraas Error Trap and Overwatchhave helped many players with their Sims 3 games. What makes me rather confident in the future modding of the game is thatMaxis shared some...