Open the Sims 3 Mods folder. It should look like the picture above. There should be two folders, one called “Overrides” and other one called “Packages”, and one file called Resource.cfg. Open the folder called “Packages”. There should be two files in the “Packages” folder inside...
3.Mods夹 下载链接文件 丢到/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/ (ps.这个版本的Mods夹为了检测是否安装成功在Packages里事先放了NoIntro.package,打开游戏时会直接跳过开头动画,但在64位中似乎会出现开头黑屏的情况,建议删掉) 4.汉化补丁 在Origin购买的Sims...
Hero+ 11 months ago @greenimsDelete the folder you created. If you've started the game, go to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4. That's where the user files are, including Mods. More info is inHow to Use Mods and CC
@crickxtzzz A new folder always spawns. Here's how to see where it is: If you... - 9214307
Install Sims 4 mods/CC on Windows PC Step 1. Open WindowsFile Explorerand click "Document" Step 2.Hit Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 Step 3.Now here is theMods folder Step 4.Put the Mods files you installed before into this folder ...
If it doesn’t, add back half of the removed Mods and try again. Repeat this process until the problem Mod is identified. This type of searching is sometimes referred to in The Sims community as the 50/50 method. Remove Game Mods from your Mods folder before Custom Content. ...
文件 – Settings见设置界面,自动检测勾去除,游戏后面4个选择版本分别是origin版、经典版、steam版、试玩版,Game Folder为游戏安装位置,下面的储存目录为你文档内的The Sims 4文件夹 本楼含有高级字体3楼2020-08-15 21:30 收起回复 喵呜噗咪 邪恶帝王 15 一、基础操作此工具会显示当前电脑上下载与储存的人物...
<Folder Include="Libs\AceGUI-3.0\" /> <Folder Include="Libs\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\" /> <Folder Include="Libs\AceHook-3.0\" /> <Folder Include="Libs\AceTimer-3.0\" /> <Folder Include="Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\" /> <Folder Include="Libs\LibStub\" /> <Folder Include="Skins" /> @...
We had reset the tcp_keep_alive to higher than the default setting of 1 hour for the firewall during all of the mods we tried…so we broke it while trying to fix the original connection issue that the IPS caused. Applications that only connected for a few seconds weren’t affected but...
Now openEAD LCandLocker folder> launcha bat file. Again, open theEAD LCfolder >setup. Further, a command prompt will open; input1 > 2> 18 > 4sequentially. Input the numbers Now, the Sims will openitself; launching it may take a while. Thus, wait for some time. ...