Extract the files and place the .package file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages\ folder – the same place where your NoBuildSparkles.package and nointro.package mods are. If you want to delete any mod, you can simply delete the related .package file. And that ...
Adds the detailed world of Lockwood to your list of worlds. A small town settled far within the mountains and filled with Sims both eccentric and traditional. Each with their own drama, their stories and their issues. This creation requires a package mod file for custom Rabbit Holes, but is...
没有文件夹你创建一个呀,然后放进去,开启动器,点下载,就会出现你放进去的东西,前面打上勾,安装就行。文件放置位置:我的文档\Electronic Arts\模拟市民3\Downloads
自动打开你放这个Mod/CC的文件夹位置帮你选中。我不建议全选打开,Mod多且散的话你电脑不一定受得了。此工具自订物品中分为3部分Mods – 已安装:大部分是非功能性CC,但也可能把某些功能性Mod的package包含进去,请注意检查。Mods – 覆盖替换:覆盖类替换类Mod,这一块打包一定要注意,去睫毛、WW等都属于替换类,...
3.Mods夹 下载链接文件 https://chii.modthesims.info/FrameworkSetup.zip 丢到/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/ (ps.这个版本的Mods夹为了检测是否安装成功在Packages里事先放了NoIntro.package,打开游戏时会直接跳过开头动画,但在64位中似乎会出现开头黑屏的情况,建议删掉) ...
1, 后解压缩,点Sims3Dashboard.exe 它会自动扫描你存放的package 文件的资料夹 (若无自动排查,请点左上角的[FILE]-[Scan Folder]去选择你放package 文件的路径) 2,扫描完毕后,依照情况的不同会有不同的颜色,若全部无颜色则所有MOD 没有问题~~~ 3,按下右下角的Refresh,就会开始检查(建议删完 MOD 再复查...
Using your Windows Explorer on PC or Finder on Mac, drag the downloaded mod file (usually ending with ‘.ts 4 script' or ‘.package’ into the folder path Electronic Arts, then Sims 4, then Mods If you don’t want to drag and drop the file, you can also copy and paste using the...
之前一直玩4的 最近开始钻研3(我玩的是三宫六院1.67版的) 结果完全不会用那个mod怎么办 跟着教程走建了mod夹cfg文件是齐全的package夹也有 但是进游戏怎么都显示不出来怎么办啊啊啊啊啊 搞了一天一夜了还是不行 也去三宫六院看过了根本没有解释 球球各位大佬了谢谢你们!(鞠躬) terry35270 5-11 14 求M3...