Sims 3 Keeps Crashing, Repeatedly November 2023 by TheRaddestCrow Topic Options Previous Topic Next Topic Original Post#1 November 2023 Options TheRaddestCrow ★★★ Novice 55 pt Hi All! I wanted to reach out, because you guys have been able to help me in the past. My issue is that...
For the last couple days it’s been nearly impossible to play the sims 3. I recently got some new packs because of the sale, but I have no custom 我游戏中出现的情况: 1.经常性闪退/卡住 2.开放水域互动缺...
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3. You may not adopt infants or children. 4. Play on normal lifespans. 5. You must follow all career-specific restrictions until a Sim reaches the top of that career, at which point the actions and objects previously forbidden by the restriction are now allowed for all sims in the househ...
tola02: The mod keeps crashing the game. Bob the Sims: Could you please update to [Kritical]DreamsOfSurrender_1_15b_pat ? Thank kunmosta: Is there english ?? wads: hiwasdawdas dawdasdadada Aqxaro: Hi, you can search on the forum grego: Thank you for the maps...
Extra 5 bonus points earned if you are able to get all Toddler skills to level 5 (level 3 for potty training). “Clean Diaper Club” bonus: From the beginning to the end of toddlerhood, never have your wonder child use their diaper to the point where it needs a change. This is wort...
Solved: Hello, So I've been playing the Sims 3 for about 7-8 years now but when the Sims 4 came out, I switched over to the Sims 4 and have been
3,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-3-technical-issues-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11177776"},"subject":"Re: Sims 3 64-bit keeps crashing","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"...
tola02: The mod keeps crashing the game. Bob the Sims: Could you please update to [Kritical]DreamsOfSurrender_1_15b_pat ? Thank kunmosta: Is there english ?? wads: hiwasdawdas dawdasdadada Aqxaro: Hi, you can search on the forum grego: Thank you for the maps...