SIMS历代通用的秘籍输入方法:在游戏内按Shift+Ctrl+C唤出指令输入栏。启用作弊模式/禁用作弊模式:testingCheatson/testingCheatsoff。1.获得5W模拟币:motherlode2.获得1K模拟币:kaching/rosebud3.设定家庭资金数额:money数值4.启用免费入住/禁用免费入住:freeRealestateon/freeRealestateoff5. 送TA礼物 1楼2022-09-...
sims4教程|3个增加体验的快捷操作 1.输入ctrl+shift+c 打开秘籍窗口,然后输入秘籍,回车生效,关闭窗口需再次输入ctrl+shift+c 2.免费房产秘籍:FreeRealEstate on(无需大写) 3.为家庭增加50 - 微光溪谷大魔女于20241127发布在抖音,已经收获了516个喜欢,来抖音,记录
freerealestate- Purchasing the desired lot costs nothing modify traits- Adjust traits add to household- The active Sim is added to the current household set age [x]- Specify age of the current Sim edit in cas- Access Create-a-Sim options for the current Sim ...
Simply type the console command freerealestate and all lots will be free. This is a decent time saver if you want to buy the biggest lot from the start, then skip on money cheats later.If you for some reason need or want to turn off the Sims 3 testing cheats, type testingcheats...
Play The Sims FreePlay and make your virtual dreams come true by creating your own Sims and exploring the many possibilities in their big, fun-filled world. http://www....
刚开始在世界中展开新生活时,挑选模拟市民的家园可能会是项挑战。何不拓展房地产的可能性呢?启动作弊指令介面并输入「FreeRealEstate On」,即可无视花费金额并搬进任何住宅地段。若要停用此作弊指令,则开启作弊指令介面并输入「FreeRealEstate off」。 如何购买「建造目录」中尚未解锁的职业物品?
Start the game in Winter Use freerealestate on cheat to get the Chateau Peak lot for “free” (make sure to choose “Bulldoze lot when choosing Chateau Peak to move into) Move Sim onto the now empty Chateau Peak Lot Purchase the Knight of the Octagon Table and then use the money cheat...
FreeRealEstate [on/off] 所有的用地房屋价格为零(可在社区/世界界面输入) 4、抱负 aspirations.complete_current_milestone 完成一级抱负 先输入sims.remove_all_buffs before后再输入sims.add_buff Satisfaction_Points 增加100点奖励点数 5、技能点数升级 ...