The cheat for the De Luca family would look like this: familyfunds “De Luca” 50000. Also, this cheat will not work if there are multiple households with the same name. unlockOutfits on/true/off/false Enter this before going into CAS in order to use career and NPC outfits. freereal...
The Sims 3 CheatsCheatWhat it Does testingcheatsenabled true Enables testing cheats (such as shift-click mailbox) kaching or rosebud Gives the household $1,000 Simoleons familyfunds lastname amount The best money cheat. Gives the specified amount of money to the household with that last name ...
The Sims 3 Guide Start tracking progress or Find in guide This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets forThe Sims 3:Late Nightfor PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, pleaseclick EDIT and add ...
Until now, laptops could only be used when set on a table. With the Sims 3 University, Sims who have a laptop in their inventory can select the“Use Laptop Here”interaction to sit on the ground anywhere around town. This allows Sims to study and play on the go! New “Quick Meal” ...
Just wanted to let you know that a cheat has been found which allows you to take away money from the family funds it’s sims.modify_funds [negative amount here] It’s somewhat the equivalent of the familyfunds cheat in TS3 but here what you have to do is specify the amount of cash...
money 100000 set household funds to 100,000 simoleons or any other number (big or small) that you choose Row 3 - Cell 2 Remember to open the cheat console with Ctrl+Shift+C on PC. Enter these codes as written and press enter to seal in your insta-rich wishes. More Sims 4 money ...
addNeighborToFamilyCheat on|off ご近所さんを世帯に追加できるようにする ageSimsCheat on/off シムの加齢チートを有効化/無効化する aging on/off 選択したシムの加齢のオン/オフを切り替える aspiration level (0–5) シムの願望レベルを0~5で設定する aspirationPoints 選択したシムに願...
addNeighborToFamilyCheat on|off Разрешить/запретитьдобавлятьсоседейвсемьи ageSimsCheat on/off Активировать/отключитькоддляуправлениявзрослением aging on/off Включить/отк...
The Sims 4: Buydebug Cheat Now Available The Sims 4 October 1, 2014 The Sims 4: Cheats, Hot Keys & Controls (List) The Sims 4 August 4, 2014 POPULAR CATEGORY The Sims 42594 The Sims 3 Store915 Discounts/Promos709 The Sims 3545 Giveaways411 The Sims 3 Pets370 Electronic Arts262 Th...
Purchase the Knight of the Octagon Table and then use the money cheat to bring the Sim’s funds to 0 The lot must have the “Celebrity Home” Trait In order to pay back the §35,000 “loan” for the lot, you must buy four additional Knights of the Octagon Table and one Viva La ...