【M4记录】记录一下..5.一些衣服乱码解决方法:先看清有些mod作者有没有写衣服需要某某DLC确定的MOD冲突:这个我一般不管,直接摆烂,拿打包神器全删了...有些是小冲突... 问题不大
Bug Fix Eco Lifestyle Interactions Fixes Enhancement Chat Greeting Tweaks Enhancement Better Hospital Staff Enhancement Butler Tweaks 25 May 202331 Comments Makes butlers employed by the lot they are hired on, instead of the Windenburg Butler Academy, reducing the chance that they change during rotatio...
Mod Requirements: Base Game Compatible With: Game Version 1.108 (Lovestruck patch) This mod is used to address and this the following issue: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-NKSP-Action-won-t-queue-for-Resume-Knitting/m-p/13896316/highlight/true#M282837 This mod fixes the issue...
Do you want the ability to upload photos to the gallery on SimHub, added with the popular Wicked Whims mod, to be available on the phones of your wards? With this mod, while in a flirtatious mood, your character can undress and take a few pictures.
[Butterbot]Canning Station Overhaul:In addition to expanding available features, this mod fixes a number of issues related to Grandma’s Canning Station from the Sims 3 Store. [Shimrod]Dive Cave Reset Fix:(hosted on Sims Asylum; free registration required) When a sim explores an underwa...
23.07.2024 - Patch 1.108.318 Update14.03.2023 - Patch 1.96.365 Update ( a lot of Mods use XML Injector now, instead of having their own Script File) 30.08.2022 - Update of French by Seyjin None Automatic Thermostat 29.09.2024 Seasons Download Download This Mod will let you “upgrade” ...
Same problem, Sims3 DLCs cannot be downloaded through the EA app.All of my DLCs were working fine until yesterday, when i tried to uninstall and reinstall... - 7578301
(or SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion pack), which adds a myriad of new transport network items, ranging from ground light rail, to fractional-angle roads, to roundabouts, and much more. It also includes bugfixes to Maxis items and a highly optimized set of traffic simulator plugins,...
3 EA has just shared a brand new Laundry List with bug fixes coming to The Sims 4 on the next game update. The patch is... Watch: The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies Official Gameplay Trailer NewsBenji-February 18, 2025 0 EA reveals the gameplay deep dive trailer for the upcoming The Sim...