I noticed that there's some problem with pets, I have two dogs but I had problems even without them, I used to have a cat too but it was invisible so I gave him to adoption. And I'm playing with cc's in package and sims3pack Reply 0 + XP #10 March 2021 Options puzzlez...
Adoption/Breeding Use the computer, phone, or newspaper to Adopt a Dog, cat or horse Your Cat has used and abused the living daylights out of the Scratching Post! Thankfully it’s the scratching post you’ll be replacing and not your zebra-print eight person sectional with matching area...
23.07.2024 - Patch 1.108.318 Update30.04.2024 - Fixed a possible LE after Adoption, when Cats & Dogs is not installed. For real now. Hopefully...28.04.2024 - Fixed a possible LE after Adoption, when Cats & Dogs is not installed.18.04.2024 - "Adopt Pet" should not show up on Foster...
If you receive a trait or aspiration from a pack that you do not own simply re-roll to get something else. If you receive one of the 3 new vampire aspirations and do not want a vampire in your Legacy, feel free to re-roll until you get a non-vampire Aspiration. Want to generate a...
If you're a creator, I welcome being contacted about known issues, updates, patch compatibility (although I’m now posting “cleared” for fewer creators/mods, I track it for support), mod adoption, and other news. My DMs are also open for creators here and on Tumblr (...
A mod that offers the possibility for Sims to getartificial inseminations,become surrogate mothersor haveanother Sim carry a baby for them. Mod 9: Adoption Lets your Simsput their children up for adoption, via agencies or into the household of friends or family, after agreeing or fighting. Al...
Regardless of your succession law, you may always introduce children into your family via pregnancy (either natural or via the Science baby option) or adoption. (Bloodline law will determine which are eligible to be heirs). With the addition ofThe Sims 4 Get to Workalien babies can also be...
Adoption Settings > Rename Non-Active Adoptions = Include Played Households Marriage Sim Selection > Valid Marriage Ages = Young Adult, Adult Marriage Sim Selection > Flag Gender Preference = Enabled Marriage Sim Selection > Marriage Percentage > Teen Marriage Percent = 0 ...
Yes I have the sims pets added on. But when I go to adopt an animal it let's me choose the one(s) 8 want but then an adoption evaluation person comes over, but I still never get the pet 2nd January 2019 6:19pm 0 Regular ...
You may not want a stubborn dog, for they're hard to housebreak. Most breeds seem to have a trait they all come with, such as German Shepherds being smart. When you're done, talk to the animal welfare worker and select, 'end adoption evaluation'....